• Hello,
    I am using the Custom Field Template for a clients property management site. I have created a Custom Field Template so she is able to enter specific information about each property such as number of Bedrooms, Bathrooms, Rent, Deposit, etc. and that info is then automatically inserted into the post. This plugin has been great to help accomplish this!

    Now I am trying to have the info she enters for each individual property (each property is it’s own individual post) be shown in a summary post. Does anybody know how you would show all of the information she has inputed for every individual post in a single post? Basically, how would I gather ever bit of information that has been inputed through the Custom Field Template and show it all in one place?

    Thanks for the help!


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  • Plugin Author Hiroaki Miyashita


    Please try to use the [cft] shortcode to output custom field values.

    [cft forma=0]

    You can edit how it outputs in the [cft] and [cftsearch] Shortcode Format in the custom field template option page.

    Auto Hook of the_content() option may be also useful.

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