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  • I have the same problem…

    Looking for an answer.

    Hi friends, for everyone having problems with custom fields inside the amp plugin template, just call them like this :

    global $post;
    $metas = get_post_meta( $post->ID, ‘your-custom-field-name’, true );

    100% working ??

    Hope that helps !

    Interesting suggestion indeed Ploufside!

    I have plenty of CF on my websites, I’ll try your solution and report the results.

    Where i should insert code ? In functions.php ?

    You insert the ACF codes in your AMP plugin custom template just like you would if inserting into normal theme template. See the ACF docs, but also look at the template in the amp plugin folder.

    I’m sorry but I did not understand in what template I have to put the code.
    I would be grateful if you were more specific.


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