Hi @ramyasam ,
Hope you are doing well.
I am assuming that you are asking about the EA Woo Product Grid widget. To display the custom fields in the Woo Product Grid widget you need to develop a custom layout actually.
To develop a custom layout, you can simply go to your child theme and create a folder called “Template” if there’s not any. Afterward, create another folder called “Eicon-Woocommerce” and inside that create a PHP file which will be your layout.
This template will be available in your Layout Settings here (Here we used Post Grid as an example): https://d.pr/i/IYZKZv
You can find the default ones example in: wp-content/plugins/essential-addons-for-elementor-lite/includes/Template/Eicon-Woocommerce
I’m assuming you have the development skill to execute the above process.
Thank you!`