This is almost impossible to help remotely, and the original person has also not replied back to indicate whether they resolved it or figured it out.
PLease look at the underlying html to see if the data is there in the html but just not visible. OR provide a link to a public page where you have this.
It’s also possible you have some db corruption. If I were debugging this on my setup, I’d try recreate on my test system. If it is not replicated on test system, then it is something unique to the install where you are seeing it.
How many users & meta records do you have?
IF this is only happening with your RCP fields – then what is different about them? The plugin just treats all fields the same so that would indicate maybe there is something special about the data, if it doesn’t happen with other fields. What are the exclude values? What are the values you expect to see?
Has RCP changed something? etc