• Hello,

    I noticed a big problem. If I want to integrate the plugin into an already existing page, where different fonts are contained in different font widths, then it comes to problems.

    If I integrate a font for example as: “PT Sans Regular” and “PT Sans Bold”, then the already set fonts are not correctly adopted. So I would have to rework each page individually, which would be a lot of work for a larger page.

    If I try to enter the fonts both as “PT Sans” so that the Font Family is correct, then of course this is not possible because of the same name.

    So it would be great to offer a possibility to integrate different font widths under one name. Or to provide an extra field for the Font Family. So that existing pages use the fonts correctly. Otherwise the plugin is not very useful.

    Maybe I should mention that I want to make Google Fonts locally available. Therefore I create the fonts and disable the external loading of Google Fonts. Therefore it is important that the font family is consistent. This is not possible with different widths with the same name.

    I would be very happy about a quick response.

    Greetings Sascha

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by smgwebdesign.
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