• WordPress version:3.4.2
    WordPress SEO version:
    Theme: Genesis version: 1.8.2

    I did this:
    On Dashboard went to SEO:Titles&Metas:General
    –checked Use meta keywords tag?

    On Dashboard went to SEO:Titles&Metas:Home
    –added %%focuskw%% to “meta keywords template:”

    On Pages:Home
    Added keywords to WordPress SEO by Yoast:
    … Next to “Focus Keywords” added one keyword phrase
    … Next to “Meta Keywords” added all keywords wanted on this home page

    I expected the plugin to do this:
    Show keywords in source code.

    Instead it did this: on source page…
    <meta name=”keywords” content=”partnership, partner, success”/>
    These keywords are NOT my focus keyword, and only a small part of the meta keywords.

    UNDERSTAND THE DESIGNER (not me) created the HOME PAGE with widgets in the WP widget area and 3 “feature pages” in the widget area (seen on the lower part of the home page). So, in the WP editor under “Home” there is nothing, it’s blank; not happy that Yoast doesn’t work well here because of the custom home page.


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