• Hello…

    I am currently developing 2 WordPress sites using the Canvas theme from WooThemes. In one, the client requested the navigation bar be in line with the logo, so I ripped it out and programmed a new one into the #header hook, and in my re-do of the site… I hated how much of a pain it was to add a custom web-font to the navigation and get rid of the “active” classes background color change… so I ripped that out and made my own. Now, the only thing I don’t know how to do is to change it around so that the page that I’m on has a different CSS class than the rest of the navigation bar. I have my :hover’s all CSS’d in.

    Can someone help me out or point me to a good tutorial? My Google searches leave me more confused than anything. I’m not a PHP guy, just HTML and CSS.

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