• Resolved Ervin Domonkos


    Hello Tobias,

    I’d like to know if TablePress supports adding custom HTML ID tags to table rows. E.g. <tr id=”my-custom-id”>

    This would be helpful if I’m building a large table and:
    – want to link to a specific row
    – want to format a specific row or cell that keeps the formatting even after re-arranging the rows


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  • Plugin Author TobiasBg



    thanks for your post, and sorry for the trouble.

    No, sorry, this is not something that TablePress supports at the moment (at least not with the default functionality, i.e. you would have to write custom code for this.)

    Here might be some pointers:
    For the links, adding HTML like

    <span id="my-custom-id" />

    to a cell in that row should be sufficient.

    For the formatting, you could maybe use the approach from https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/highlight-a-row-based-on-value/


    Thread Starter Ervin Domonkos


    Hi Tobias,

    Thanks for the quick answer, especially on a Sunday afternoon, I appreciate it.

    Yes, finally I found the very same solution as the workaround that you proposed. It works fine with the on-page links (that I was really looking for). However, as I am building a glossary-like page with TablePress, it makes it a bit less readable in admin.

    This is not a big problem though at the moment, so your workaround will work fine for now.


    Plugin Author TobiasBg



    good to hear that this will work for now!

    I might add a way to add a custom ID at some point, but I don’t have specific plans yet.

    Best wishes,

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