Here my solution(but someone think its no to solution);
I create a new default size in plugin, see this:
in this file under plugin directory(afg_libs.php) modify this:
$afg_photo_size_map = array(
‘default’ => ‘Default’,
‘_s’ => ‘Square (Max 75px)’,
‘_q’ => ‘Large square (150X150)’,//i will add this line
‘_t’ => ‘Thumbnail (Max 100px)’,
‘_m’ => ‘Small (Max 240px)’,
‘NULL’ => ‘Medium (Max 500px)’,
‘custom’ => ‘Custom’,
in this file under plugin directory(plugin/afgFilckr.php) modify this
$sizes = array(
“square” => “_s”,
“large_square” => “_q”,//its my custom size created an after step
“thumbnail” => “_t”,
“small” => “_m”,
“medium” => “”,
“medium_640” => “_z”,
“large” => “_b”,
“original” => “_o”
and finily this, before this after step, in the same file
if ($size == “original”) {
$url = “https://farm” . $photo[‘farm’] . “” . $photo[‘server’] . “/” . $photo[‘id’] . “_” . $photo[‘originalsecret’] . “_o” . “.” . $photo[‘originalformat’];
}else if($size == ‘large_square’){
$url = “https://farm” . $photo[‘farm’] . “” . $photo[‘server’] . “/” . $photo[‘id’] . “_” . $photo[‘originalsecret’] . “_q” . “.” . $photo[‘originalformat’];//this my custom size
$url = “https://farm” . $photo[‘farm’] . “” . $photo[‘server’] . “/” . $photo[‘id’] . “_” . $photo[‘secret’] . $sizes[$size] . “.jpg”;
return $url;
to see al size is defined in flickr, acess