Custom image viewer for images attached to posts
Hi all,
I would like to display the images attached to each post outside the flow of text. I would like to have an ‘image viewer’ whereby one image (thumbnail) is displayed at a time and users can navigate through the images of each post by clicking ‘<‘ and ‘>’. I would also like to display the number of images attached to each post (i.e. ‘1 of 3’ for example).
Unfortunately, I can’t seem to find a plugin that does just that? But, I found a nice function which retrieves the images for each post. Now I’m trying to figure out how I can provide navigation, rather than displaying all the images at once.
function bdw_get_images($postId) { // Get the post ID $iPostID = $postId; // Get images for this post $arrImages =& get_children('post_type=attachment&post_mime_type=image&post_parent=' . $iPostID ); // If images exist for this page if($arrImages) { // Get array keys representing attached image numbers $arrKeys = array_keys($arrImages); // Get the first image attachment //$iNum = $arrKeys[0]; echo sizeof($arrImages); foreach ($arrKeys as $iNum) { // Get the thumbnail url for the attachment $sThumbUrl = wp_get_attachment_thumb_url($iNum); // UNCOMMENT THIS IF YOU WANT THE FULL SIZE IMAGE INSTEAD OF THE THUMBNAIL //$sImageUrl = wp_get_attachment_url($iNum); // Build the <img> string $sImgString = '<a href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . '<img src="' . $sThumbUrl . '" width="50" height="50" alt="Thumbnail Image" title="Thumbnail Image" />' . '</a>'; // Print the image echo $sImgString; } } };
I would really appreciate any hints/tips/guidance/suggestions!!!
Thanks so much for reading!
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