• There are 2 features that www.ads-software.com has Desperately Needed for Years.

    1. the Custom URL needs to stay attached to the image.
    You click Add Media. Upload your image and in Attachment Display Settings you go to Link: Custom URL
    You put in your custom URL and click Import into post. That part works.
    BUT then you need to put that image into the post in another area. You click Add Media and the Custom URL is no longer there.
    Why can’t the Custom URL that is provided remain in Add Media for when you need to use it again?

    2. WHY in all the years of WordPress updates has NO ONE thought to put a target=”_blank” Option in Add Media?? I may as well hand code every image since I must paste target=”_blank” after every URL. I may upload 50 images into a post, that’s 50 times I have to paste target=”_blank”.

    PLEASE Put these Features in WordPress
    Thank you

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  • You can try doing it with one simple jquery code for all your images

    $(‘#div img’).attr(‘target’, ‘_blank’);

    hmmm… when i add an image, and select to then EDIT the settings of that image, i a get a checkbox in the media dialog to “open in new tab”. This is super handy but it would definitely be even handier if that checkbox was on the INSERT MEDIA dialogue too, so it’s not a two-step process to achieve that goal.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by somethingelse.
    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    The target=”_blank” option is deprecated and we’ve actually been actively removing it from places in WordPress where it used to exist. I’d recommend looking for a plugin to suit your needs, because it’s fairly certain that this functionality isn’t coming back to core anytime soon.

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