• Resolved hecttech08



    I first reported an issue with a custom page working with this plugin.


    Since no one responded with any fix for this issue, I had to work with my developer to create a new custom page that will work with your plugin. After the most recent update, version 1.2.9 , 2FA no longer works with a custom url.

    Here is the exact wording from my developer.

    “There is a bug in their code. When 2FA page loads it should detect as a wp_login page but due to some bug in their code it’s not detected as a wp_login page and does not show the 2FA page.

    Please note that their code is not working when we have a custom login page URL, if we use the default login page /wp_login.php their code will work correctly.”

    “setcookie()” function will update the cookie in Global variable when the page gets reloaded, but in the code, it seems we need to update the Global Variable $_COOKIE instantly to work the code that is depending on $_COOKIE global variable

    2FA is not working when we have custom URL for login page(ex: /login-page/)

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter hecttech08


    Also, please let me know if there is a way to attach an image here.

    We can show you the line of code that has this issue.

    Plugin Support Pavel Dosev


    Hello @hecttech08,

    Please accept our apologies for not following the previous case. We checked it with our developers, and the 2FA works correctly when using the Elementor login widget. I will also update the other thread with that information.

    The page you were using on your site was most likely created not using this widget (which is part of the premium version of Elementor), and the problem you are facing is a specific one related to the custom theme you are using and the login page you created.

    Please try using the Elementor custom login page widget, and if you are encountering the same problem with it, please let us know.

    Thread Starter hecttech08


    Hello Pavel,

    I do have the paid version of Elementor, and it did not work before in the other post. This is the reason I had to have my developer look into fixing this issue in order to make it work with SiteGround Security. After this recent update, it no longer works. I went back before the update on my main page to get it to work again.

    On the Staging page I linked above, after you enter your login credentials, it is supposed to bring you to the page to enter your 2FA if you are any role instead of Subscriber. If you are a Subscriber, it will bring you to a page inside the website that only logged-in users can see. It works like normal for Subscribers. For admin or any other role, it takes you to a blank white screen. Please see link for screenshots.


    This is what he stated would be the solution.

    “right now the function they are using ‘setcookie’ will update the cookie when page got reload, but in the code we need cookie in the same script so they need to update $_COOKIE global variable instantly so the value in the Cookie and value updating in Database match and it will detect the is_wp_login correctly”

    However, it is not best practice to fix your core coding.

    Can you see what we are talking about now?

    Plugin Support Pavel Dosev


    Thank you @hecttech08,

    I forwarded the information from your developer to our devs, and once we receive an update from them, we will update the thread.

    Plugin Author Elena Chavdarova


    Thank you for the report, @hecttech08!

    We will include a fix for the reported issue in the next plugin release.

    Best Regards,

    Thread Starter hecttech08


    Hello Elena,

    Thank you for your response.

    To confirm, I won’t need to change anything on my page? It should work after the next plugin release?

    Hopefully, this will help others with custom login URLs as well.

    Thread Starter hecttech08


    Hello @elenachavdarova ,

    To confirm, I won’t need to change anything on my page? It should work after the next plugin release?

    Also, how long before the next plugin release. This way I prevent my main site form updating until then.

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