Custom loop template
Hi, I’m using the Publish Loop widget to display events from a certain organizer inside a page.
My WP theme doesn’t have a loop* template so I’m triying to write one on my own.
I need help because I can’t access the query I’ve saved in the loop panel.
Following the documentation$processed_query = siteorigin_widget_post_selector_process_query( $instance[‘some_posts’ );
returns [post_status] => publish [posts_per_page] => 10 [post__not_in] => Array ( [0] => 1041 ) WRONG
The query I saved is like this
post_type=tribe_events&tax_query=tribe_events_cat:corsi&date_type=specific&date_query={“after”:””,”before”:””}&date_query_relative={“from”:[],”to”:[]}&orderby=date&order=DESC&additional=organizer%3D1041How can I get to use that?
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