Assuming that you have installed and activated Custom Menu Wizard, in your admin backend look at the left hand menu : there you will see an entry for Appearance, which will show a submenu when hovered over (or when just clicked). An entry on that submenu is Widgets … click Widgets.
In the middle of the screen are all your available widgets; on the right of the screen are “sidebars” that your current theme has made available for your use. To place a widget into a sidebar you simply drag it from the middle and drop it into the opened sidebar on the right. When you drop it, the widget will automatically open to show you the options it has available. (More information about Widgets can be found in the WordPress documentation, such as
So, if you drag Custom Menu Wizard widget onto one of your sidebars, you will see its options. You can set them as you wish and then Save those settings. Once a Widget instance has been Saved onto a sidebar, clicking its header will open it, giving you access to its options again.
All the Custom Menu Wizard widget options, and the associated shortcode settings, are documented on