• Hi, the default shipping option cannot fit my requirement, my shipping options are more complicated. Hence I would like to know how can we add one more page in the checkout process.
    Right now the process is product->cart->checkout, I would like to add one more page between cart can checkout, it is a single stand alone shipping page, and the shipping options will not be available in cart page.

    I maybe will not the default shipping method settings woocomomerce. I need to add the shipping info the order with my own codes. What action/filters should used?

    Any suggestions?

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  • Hi,

    Where is the difference between existing pages to adapt to your needs versus an extra new page. This just seems harder to me?

    It is also an extra step for customers, while the ordering process must be as smooth as possible.

    Or am I wrong?

    Thread Starter TC.K


    Because the required shipping options are complicated. It’s involve different logistic company, based on product supplier, also customer able choose the desired delivery date and time based on the products and logistic company.

    So, in one order there maybe will separated shipping methods assigned.

    The current shipping functionality clear cannot fit this requirement. Or, is there any that I not aware of?

    I understand, but I mean, if an extra page is provided, you will have to write more custom code than to modify the existing shipping method with extra functionality.

    Maybe you can already get started with it, by taking a look at the following tutorials



    Or you can search for a suitable plugin


    Thread Starter TC.K


    Thanks for the suggestion.
    Yes I know it is easier to make it that way, but the client insist me separated this step from the checkout process.
    And I won’t use the woo shipping method for this. I will making my own custom method setting options. And upon customer selected the method, I will adding it to the cart session shipping object. Is it doable?
    For eg:

     $item = new WC_Order_Item_Shipping();
         $item->set_props(array('method_title' => 'my title', 'method_id' => 'custom_id', 'total' => wc_format_decimal($mycost), 'taxes' => $mytax, 'meta_data' => $mydata));

    Am I really need a legit shipping methods from WC_Shipping_Rate ? Because there is the method_id property in WC_Order_Item_Shipping.

    So you think this make sense?

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