• I have a page called ‘artworks’


    Now I want to pass it a parameter, with nice permalinks and it will change accordingly. So what I have done now is alter the .htaccess by putting in an extra IfModule above the wordpress rules.

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /test/wordpress/
    # RewriteRule artworks/([^/.]+)$ artworks/$1/ [R]
    # RewriteRule artworks/([^/.]+)/?$ artworks/?a=$1 [L]

    However, that doesn’t work, as the result is


    Which is what I want, but wordpress interprets that as a subpage and gives me a 404. Which surprises me because I thought it would interpret ?a=somestring.

    Also, if the result is


    I can actually get the data via $_GET[‘a’], which gives me a number. But again, I don’t really want to have some random number in the URL.

    Does anyone have a workaround for this? Would be most helpful, thanks. I don’t really want to do this


    As it doesn’t fit in with the rest of the permalinks in the site.

    Thanks again

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