• Please help. I’m trying to create a custom home page but am Stymied. I’ve read and watched youtube but can’t figure out how to do it. It seems on all the videos I’ve watched that they access some screen that shows the code and the add or change it. I can’t find any screen like that. Then there’s this PHP deal? On the site help it says pull down the template button on the right. I can’t find any template button anywhere. Can someone lead me in the right direction?

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  • Thread Starter hps2322

    (@hps2322) localhost
    ::1 localhost localhost

    This part I mean

    I don’t see (#) that in there?

    look at this localhost
    ::1 localhost localhost

    make it be just localhost

    Thread Starter hps2322


    Oh so that ::1 localhost is the problema?
    Let me give it a shot.
    I can fix machinery with my eye’s closed. If you ever need help with that please let me know ??

    Thread Starter hps2322


    Ok so I have that up in Note. Before I do something that could be terminal I just want to make sure.
    So I delete the line ::1 localhost
    Then I save it in Note?
    I don’t want to mess up my whole computer (if that’s possible)
    Please advise and Thanks

    Thread Starter hps2322


    Finally Success. Wholly cow I got the PhpAdmin open
    Now I need to back track and remember why I’m doing this

    Thread Starter hps2322


    Ok I’m in the Admin screen Of Wamp. I’m trying to find the “privledges tab” I hit users and there are 3 root and 2 any listed. There is a place to edit privledges there. At the bottom is a red (pink) warning that says

    Your configuration file contains settings (root with no password) that correspond to the default MySQL privileged account. Your MySQL server is running with this default, is open to intrusion, and you really should fix this security hole by setting a password for user ‘root’.

    I think that’s all the same thing?


    ::1 is IPv6 route. i think windows just sticks that in there to be cute.

    your localhost was resolving to that route, which would be fine if you wanted to configure your apache server to resolve an IPv6 address.

    But uhh.. by the time we get around to caring about IPv6 locally, you’ll be an expert at some technology that hasn’t been invented yet heh

    Good luck, I am leaving the support page.

    Don’t worry about messing up. The beauty of running locally is that if things get too bad, you can just delete everything and start over.

    yeah, just ignore all that stuff, your local environment is safe.

    but you do want to create a user like I explained above. Also, google is your friend. You will be able to get answers cause what you are doing now has been done and blogged about to death for a decade or more ??

    have fun!

    Thread Starter hps2322


    Thanks so much I really appreciate it.

    Thread Starter hps2322


    Finally Sucess I got the wordpress into the wamp server. Awesome. JBUSCI Thanks for all your help. Now (tomorrow as my brain is fried) I need to go back and see just why I did all that ??
    Thanks again

    Thread Starter hps2322


    Ok already to kick off another day. Question. On my site Vancaves.com
    I made my front page static. Now do I need to do that on my wamp page as well or it really doesn’t matter?

    At this point, it might be worth starting a new topic as this one has now drifted right off the original question. Start by describing why you are running a locally hosted copy of the site and how you intend to continue using it in conjunction with the live site. That way, someone should be able to give you some answers without having to rummage through a pretty long topic to get all of the relevant details.

    Thread Starter hps2322


    Got it, thanks ??

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