custom post taxonomies link
Hi! I cant figure out 1 thing in WP and I hope, some1 can help me here ??
I have custom post type (“example”).
For this custom post type I created 3 taxonomies (“taxonomy1″,”taxonomy2” and “taxonomy3”).Now I would like to build a pretty urls something like: – this could be done by rewrite I got this.when I visit taxonomy1, I want every custom post type (example) with this taxonomy for example: – and there is
post-3when i visit, I want every custom post type (example) with these taxonomies (1 and 2)
post-3and when i visit, I want every custom post type (example) with these taxonomies (1,2 and 3)
post-3I just did all of this by adding permastructure add_permastruct( ‘permastruct’, ‘/%taxonomy1%/%taxonomy2%/%taxonomy3%/’, false );
it works fine – finally BUT I wonder if its even possible make it more complicated :D…
like, I want custom posts from taxonomy3 and taxonomy1 on link there is always 404 bcos its looking for taxonomy1 first then taxonomy2 and 3 etc.Is it possible, is there some1 who can help me?
Thank you for your response!
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