• I just install this plugin, hoping it can help me move Word .docx files into a WordPress Knowledge Base I’m building. The Knowledge Base is custom posts (hkb).

    I found that I can select the .docx file, and when it open in the Mammoth module within the WP edit, things wonderful.

    When I click the “insert into editor” button – nothing happens ??

    The .docx files I’m using is basic (unformatted) text, with a couple headings, and images. The images get added to the Media Library (hurray – the thing I wanted the most!), but the text isn’t added to the editor.

    I’ve tried this with all the formatting in Word removed, so it’s plan text and images. Still, that .docx file isn’t getting inserted into the WP editor.

    If this plugin can work, it would save me HOURS each week!

    Any ideas?


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  • Plugin Author Michael Williamson


    Hello! Apologies for the slow response: not sure how I missed your post. Assuming you’re still having the issue, there are a few things that would be helpful to know:

    * what operating system and version are you using?
    * what browser and version are you using?
    * do you get the same problem if you try a different browser, such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox?
    * do you have any other WordPress plugins installed?
    * do you get any JavaScript errors? If you’re not sure how to find these: in most browsers, hit F12 to open the developer tools, open the “Console” tab, and then try importing a document.

    Thread Starter Jim Reekes


    * what operating system and version are you using?

    Mac OS X 10.11.6

    ?* what browser and version are you using?

    Chrome 52.0.2743.116

    ?* do you get the same problem if you try a different browser, such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox?

    also fails with Safari

    ?* do you have any other WordPress plugins installed?

    Of course. I’m using the Divi theme along with a number of important plugins.

    Even after I deactivated all of them and it still failed.

    ?* do you get any JavaScript errors?


    Google Maps API warning: NoApiKeys https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/error-messages#no-api-keys util.js:210

    Google Maps API warning: InvalidKey https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/error-messages#invalid-key util.js:210

    ‘KeyboardEvent.keyIdentifier’ is deprecated and will be removed in M53, around September 2016. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5316065118650368 for more details. tinymce.min.js?ver=4310-20160418:2

    Handling of ‘wheel’ input event was delayed for 25969 ms due to main thread being busy. Consider marking event handler as ‘passive’ to make the page more responive. content.js:105

    These are the messages I found in Mammoth

    Warning: Unsupported break type: page
    Warning: An unrecognised element was ignored: w:sym
    Warning: Unrecognised paragraph style: ‘Intense Quote’ (Style ID: IntenseQuote)
    Warning: Unrecognised run style: ‘Style Style Body Text + Lucida Sans + Tahoma Char’ (Style ID: StyleStyleBodyTextLucidaSansTahomaChar)

    After importing a Word doc into Mammoth, I see the doc in your preview area and it looks good. The doc I had tried contained several screen shots. The images were added to the media library. But when I choose the option to “insert into editor”, nothing happens.

    I noticed I could copy the content in the Mammoth view. So I tried to paste it into the editor. Word Press became unresponsive and seemed to lock up. I left it for a few minutes, and it was still busy. Eventually I found the images had been added into the editor not as links to the Media Library, but inserted as raw data.

    <img src=”data:image/png;base64 [AND THEN A FEW MEGABYTES OF ASCII]

    I know to never try that again, because the WordPress editor cannot handle a page with megs of ascii in it.

    This tool is very promising, and would save me countless hours. I have a large library of technical docs with screen shots I need to convert to WordPress.

    Plugin Author Michael Williamson


    Thanks for the details. Do you get any JavaScript errors between selecting the file (when the preview appears) and when you try to insert into the editor?

    Are the errors you posted with or without the other plugins enabled?

    Thread Starter Jim Reekes


    Do you get any JavaScript errors between selecting the file (when the preview appears) and when you try to insert into the editor?


    Are the errors you posted with or without the other plugins enabled?


    Plugin Author Michael Williamson


    Hmm, it seems odd that you’d be getting Google Maps errors without any plugins running. Just to check: without any plugins installed, you’re seeing the default WordPress editor? And there’s only one editor on the page? Assuming you’re using the default editor, which tab do you have open when trying to insert the content? Do you get the same problem if you have the other tab open when trying to insert content?

    Could you try running the following JavaScript in the Developer Tools console and seeing what the output is?


    Thread Starter Jim Reekes


    Thanks Michael, I just discovered something. Not sure if this was always happening or if recent changes (including a WP update) effected it.

    After uploading a Word doc, I see it fine. Then I click “Insert into editor” and waited but didn’t see anything happen.

    I noticed if I wait long enough, the contents does get added!

    A two-page Word doc with two images takes 30 seconds to get inserted. That seems really slow (and there’s no UI to inform me the system is processing my request).

    If that’s not the expected performance, maybe I can help you track down what’s taking so long.

    Plugin Author Michael Williamson


    That’s definitely not the expected performance. If you could track down what’s taking the time, that would be great. Most of the work is done client-side, so the most useful things from the Developer Tools would be a CPU profile during the insertion, and also the network log.

    Also, if you’re happy sharing the document (or another one where you get the same issue), I can see whether I get the same problem.

    (As an aside: for some reason, WordPress refuses to send me e-mail notifications whenever you post on these support forums, even if I explicitly subscribe to notifications on the thread, but it does so for everyone else, so apologies if my replies are a little slow!)

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