Hi @canupub
the new version is still not public, but if you want you can try the beta version that you can download with this link: https://downloads.www.ads-software.com/plugin/specific-content-for-mobile.
If you decide to test the beta version, to activate the support for a custom post type you need to add this code to the functions.php of your child theme or to a functional plugin:
add_filter( 'eos_scfm_post_types','my_custom_scfm_post_types' );
//It adds custtom post types to the array of post types managed by Specific Content For Mobile
function my_custom_scfm_post_types( $post_types ){
$post_types[] = 'custom_post_slug';
return $post_types;
Where “custom_post_slug” is the slug of the custom post types. For example, to activate the support for the products, the slug will be “product”.
Usually, you see the post type slug in the URL of the backend where you see the list of the custom post types. Usually, the URL looks like https://your-domain.com/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=custom_post_slug. Take what you see after post_type=.
If you prefer to wait for the official version, I think it will need more or less another week.
If you decide to test the beta version, I suggest the following steps:
– Make a full backup to be sure you don’t lose anything.
– Rename via FTP the actual SCFM folder with e.g. wp-content/plugins/no-specific-content-for-mobile
– Unzip and transfer via FTP the beta version
– If needed, activate the beta version (you will need it if you visit the backend after renaming the actual official version)
– Check your website.
– If it’s all ok as I expect, try to create the mobile version of your custom post type.
– If you see any issue (I don’t think so, but you never know), rename the beta version with e.g. wp-content/plugins/no-beta-specific-content-for-mobile and restore the original name of the official version wp-content/plugins/specific-content-for-mobile
– If needed, activate again the official version
Be careful, don’t delete the plugin because by doing that you would lose the options and the connections between desktop and mobile. Instead, use FTP as suggested above.
If you have problems, let me know.