• Resolved AlexDevWP


    Your plugin is great! Please continue to develop this awesome plugin.

    I have some problems trying to display only one category from my custom-post-type. My case –> Post type: Events, Category: Featured.

    I was able to set it up to show only my events, but not only the featured ones.

    Can you advice me how to address this?


Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • Plugin Author digontoahsan


    Do your post type(Events) has support for category ? If has then you can easily select it from category drop-drown under Query section of each template. Remember there is no support for custom taxonomy in current version.

    Thread Starter AlexDevWP


    Thanx! I have custom taxonomy ??

    Plugin Author digontoahsan


    Support for custom taxonomy will be added soon.

    Hi Dionto,

    I love your plugin, so simple and effective:) Do you have any idea when you will add custom taxonomy?

    Hi Digonto

    i have the same need about display events

    i think this is the main code of the plugin

    * Central Tribe Events Calendar class.
    // Don't load directly
    if ( !defined('ABSPATH') ) { die('-1'); }
    if ( !class_exists( 'TribeEvents' ) ) {
    	* The Events Calendar Class
    	* This is where all the magic happens, the unicorns run wild and the leprechauns use WordPress to schedule events.
    	class TribeEvents {
    		const EVENTSERROROPT = '_tribe_events_errors';
    		const OPTIONNAME = 'tribe_events_calendar_options';
    		const OPTIONNAMENETWORK = 'tribe_events_calendar_network_options';
    		const TAXONOMY = 'tribe_events_cat';
    		const POSTTYPE = 'tribe_events';
    		const VENUE_POST_TYPE = 'tribe_venue';
    		const ORGANIZER_POST_TYPE = 'tribe_organizer';
    		const VERSION = '3.7';
    		const FEED_URL = 'https://tri.be/category/products/feed/';
    		const INFO_API_URL = 'https://wpapi.org/api/plugin/the-events-calendar.php';
    		const WP_PLUGIN_URL = 'https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/the-events-calendar/';
    		 * Notices to be displayed in the admin
    		 * @var array
    		protected $notices = array();
    		 * Maybe display data wrapper
    		 * @var array
    		private $show_data_wrapper = array( 'before' => true, 'after' => true );
    		 * Args for the event post type
    		 * @var array
    		protected $postTypeArgs = array(
    			'public' => true,
    			'rewrite' => array('slug' => 'event', 'with_front' => false),
    			'menu_position' => 6,
    			'supports' => array('title','editor','excerpt','author','thumbnail', 'custom-fields', 'comments'),
    			'taxonomies' => array('post_tag'),
    			'capability_type' => array('tribe_event', 'tribe_events'),
    			'map_meta_cap' => true
    		 * Args for venue post type
     		 * @var array
    		public $postVenueTypeArgs = array(
    			'public' => false,
    			'rewrite' => array('slug' => 'venue', 'with_front' => false),
    			'show_ui' => true,
    			'show_in_menu' => 0,
    			'supports' => array('title', 'editor'),
    			'capability_type' => array('tribe_venue', 'tribe_venues'),
    			'map_meta_cap' => true,
    			'exclude_from_search' => true
    		protected $taxonomyLabels;
    		 * Args for organizer post type
    		 * @var array
    		public $postOrganizerTypeArgs = array(
    			'public' => false,
    			'rewrite' => array('slug' => 'organizer', 'with_front' => false),
    			'show_ui' => true,
    			'show_in_menu' => 0,
    			'supports' => array('title', 'editor'),
    			'capability_type' => array('tribe_organizer', 'tribe_organizers'),
    			'map_meta_cap' => true,
    			'exclude_from_search' => true
    		public static $tribeUrl = 'https://tri.be/';
    		public static $addOnPath = 'products/';
    		public static $dotOrgSupportUrl = 'https://www.ads-software.com/tags/the-events-calendar';
    		protected static $instance;
    		public $rewriteSlug = 'events';
    		public $rewriteSlugSingular = 'event';
    		public $taxRewriteSlug = 'event/category';
    		public $tagRewriteSlug = 'event/tag';
    		protected $monthSlug = 'month';
    		protected $pastSlug = 'past';
    		protected $upcomingSlug = 'upcoming';
    		public $daySlug = 'day';
    		public $todaySlug = 'today';
    		protected $postExceptionThrown = false;
    		protected static $options;
    		protected static $networkOptions;
    		public $displaying;
    		public $pluginDir;
    		public $pluginPath;
    		public $pluginUrl;
    		public $pluginName;
    		public $date;
    		protected $tabIndexStart = 2000;
    		public $metaTags = array(
    		public $venueTags = array(
    		public $organizerTags = array(
    		public $currentPostTimestamp;
    		public $daysOfWeekShort;
    		public $daysOfWeek;
    		public $daysOfWeekMin;
    		public $monthsFull;
    		public $monthsShort;
    		public $singular_venue_label;
    		public $plural_venue_label;
    		public $singular_organizer_label;
    		public $plural_organizer_label;
    		public static $tribeEventsMuDefaults;
    		 * Static Singleton Factory Method
    		 * @return TribeEvents
    		public static function instance() {
    			if (!isset(self::$instance)) {
    				$className = __CLASS__;
    				self::$instance = new $className;
    			return self::$instance;
    		 * Initializes plugin variables and sets up WordPress hooks/actions.
    		protected function __construct( ) {
    			$this->pluginPath = trailingslashit( dirname( dirname(__FILE__) ) );
    			$this->pluginDir = trailingslashit( basename( $this->pluginPath ) );
    			$this->pluginUrl = plugins_url().'/'.$this->pluginDir;
    			add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'loadTextDomain' ), 1 );
    			if (self::supportedVersion('wordpress') && self::supportedVersion('php')) {
    				if ( is_admin() && ( !defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) || !DOING_AJAX ) ) {
    					register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, array( $this, 'on_deactivate' ) );
    			} else {
    				// Either PHP or WordPress version is inadequate so we simply return an error.
    				add_action('admin_head', array($this,'notSupportedError'));
    		 * Load all the required library files.
    		protected function loadLibraries() {
    			// Exceptions Helper
    			require_once 'tribe-event-exception.class.php';
    			// Tribe common resources
    			require_once $this->pluginPath . 'vendor/tribe-common-libraries/tribe-common-libraries.class.php';
    			// Load Template Tags
    			require_once $this->pluginPath.'public/template-tags/query.php';
    			require_once $this->pluginPath.'public/template-tags/general.php';
    			require_once $this->pluginPath.'public/template-tags/month.php';
    			require_once $this->pluginPath.'public/template-tags/loop.php';
    			require_once $this->pluginPath.'public/template-tags/google-map.php';
    			require_once $this->pluginPath.'public/template-tags/organizer.php';
    			require_once $this->pluginPath.'public/template-tags/venue.php';
    			require_once $this->pluginPath.'public/template-tags/date.php';
    			require_once $this->pluginPath.'public/template-tags/link.php';
    			require_once $this->pluginPath.'public/template-tags/widgets.php';
    			require_once $this->pluginPath.'public/template-tags/meta.php';
    			// Load Advanced Functions
    			require_once $this->pluginPath.'public/advanced-functions/event.php';
    			require_once $this->pluginPath.'public/advanced-functions/venue.php';
    			require_once $this->pluginPath.'public/advanced-functions/organizer.php';
    			// Load Deprecated Template Tags
    			if ( ! defined( 'TRIBE_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_TAGS' ) ) {
    				require_once $this->pluginPath.'public/template-tags/deprecated.php';
    			// Load Classes
    			require_once 'tribe-meta-factory.class.php';
    			require_once 'widget-list.class.php';
    			require_once 'tribe-admin-events-list.class.php';
    			require_once 'tribe-date-utils.class.php';
    			require_once 'tribe-template-factory.class.php';
    			require_once 'tribe-templates.class.php';
    			require_once 'tribe-event-api.class.php';
    			require_once 'tribe-event-query.class.php';
    			require_once 'tribe-view-helpers.class.php';
    			require_once 'tribe-events-bar.class.php';
    			require_once 'tribe-the-events-calendar-import.class.php';
    			require_once 'tribe-support.class.php';
    			require_once 'tribe-amalgamator.php';
    			require_once 'tribe-events-update.class.php';
    			// Load Template Classes
    			require_once 'template-classes/month.php';
    			require_once 'template-classes/list.php';
    			require_once 'template-classes/day.php';
    			require_once 'template-classes/single-event.php';
    			// caching
    			require_once 'tribe-events-cache.class.php';
    			// App Shop
    			if ( ! defined( 'TRIBE_HIDE_UPSELL' ) || TRIBE_HIDE_UPSELL !== true )
    				require_once 'tribe-app-shop.class.php';
    			// Tickets
    			require_once 'tickets/tribe-tickets-pro.php';
    			require_once 'tickets/tribe-ticket-object.php';
    			require_once 'tickets/tribe-tickets.php';
    			require_once 'tickets/tribe-tickets-metabox.php';
    			// CSV Importer
    			require_once 'io/csv/ecp-events-importer.php';
    			// PUE
    			require_once 'pue/pue-client.php';
    			// Load multisite defaults
    			if ( is_multisite() ) {
    				$tribe_events_mu_defaults = array();
    				if ( file_exists( WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/tribe-events-mu-defaults.php' ) )
    					require_once WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/tribe-events-mu-defaults.php';
    				self::$tribeEventsMuDefaults = apply_filters( 'tribe_events_mu_defaults', $tribe_events_mu_defaults );
    		 * before_html_data_wrapper adds a persistant tag to wrap the event display with a
    		 * way for jQuery to maintain state in the dom. Also has a hook for filtering data
    		 * attributes for inclusion in the dom
    		 * @param  string $html
    		 * @return string
    		function before_html_data_wrapper( $html ){
    			global $wp_query;
    			if( !$this->show_data_wrapper['before'] )
    				return $html;
    			$tec = TribeEvents::instance();
    			$data_attributes = array(
    				'live_ajax' => tribe_get_option( 'liveFiltersUpdate', true ) ? 1 : 0,
    				'datepicker_format' => tribe_get_option( 'datepickerFormat' ),
    				'category' => is_tax( $tec->get_event_taxonomy() ) ? get_query_var( 'term' ) : ''
    			// allow data attributes to be filtered before display
    			$data_attributes = (array) apply_filters( 'tribe_events_view_data_attributes', $data_attributes );
    			// loop through the attributes and build the html output
    			foreach( $data_attributes as $id => $attr ){
    				$attribute_html[] = sprintf( 'data-%s="%s"',
    					sanitize_title( $id ),
    					esc_attr( $attr )
    			$this->show_data_wrapper['before'] = false;
    			// return filtered html
    			return apply_filters( 'tribe_events_view_before_html_data_wrapper', sprintf( '<div id="tribe-events" class="tribe-no-js" %s>%s', implode(' ', $attribute_html ), $html ), $data_attributes, $html );
    		 * after_html_data_wrapper close out the persistant dom wrapper
    		 * @param  string $html
    		 * @return string
    		function after_html_data_wrapper( $html ){
    			if( !$this->show_data_wrapper['after'] )
    				return $html;
    			$html .= '</div><!-- #tribe-events -->';
    			$html .= tribe_events_promo_banner( false );
    			$this->show_data_wrapper['after'] = false;
    			return apply_filters( 'tribe_events_view_after_html_data_wrapper', $html );
    		 * Add filters and actions
    		protected function addHooks() {
    			add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'init'), 10 );
    			// Frontend Javascript
    			add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'loadStyle' ) );
    			add_filter( 'tribe_events_before_html', array( $this, 'before_html_data_wrapper' ) );
    			add_filter( 'tribe_events_after_html', array( $this, 'after_html_data_wrapper' ) );
    			// Styling
    			add_filter( 'post_class', array( $this, 'post_class') );
    			add_filter( 'body_class', array( $this, 'body_class' ) );
    			add_filter( 'admin_body_class', array($this, 'admin_body_class') );
    			add_filter( 'query_vars',		array( $this, 'eventQueryVars' ) );
    			add_filter( 'wp_title', array($this, 'maybeAddEventTitle' ), 10, 2 );
    			add_filter( 'bloginfo_rss',	array($this, 'add_space_to_rss' ) );
    			add_filter( 'post_updated_messages', array($this, 'updatePostMessage') );
    			/* Add nav menu item - thanks to https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/cpt-archives-in-nav-menus/ */
    			add_filter( 'nav_menu_items_' . TribeEvents::POSTTYPE, array( $this, 'add_events_checkbox_to_menu' ), null, 3 );
    			add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_objects', array( $this, 'add_current_menu_item_class_to_events'), null, 2);
    			add_filter( 'generate_rewrite_rules', array( $this, 'filterRewriteRules' ) );
    			/* Setup Tribe Events Bar */
    			add_filter( 'tribe-events-bar-views',  array($this, 'setup_listview_in_bar'), 1, 1 );
    			add_filter( 'tribe-events-bar-views',  array($this, 'setup_gridview_in_bar'), 5, 1 );
    			add_filter( 'tribe-events-bar-views', array( $this, 'setup_dayview_in_bar' ), 15, 1 );
    			add_filter( 'tribe-events-bar-filters', array( $this, 'setup_date_search_in_bar' ), 1, 1 );
    			add_filter( 'tribe-events-bar-filters', array( $this, 'setup_keyword_search_in_bar' ), 1, 1 );
    			add_filter( 'tribe-events-bar-views', array( $this, 'remove_hidden_views' ), 9999, 2 );
    			/* End Setup Tribe Events Bar */
    			add_filter( 'tribe_get_day_link', array( $this, 'add_empty_date_dayview_link' ), 10, 2 );
    			add_filter( 'admin_footer_text', array( $this, 'tribe_admin_footer_text' ), 1, 2 );
    			add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'addEventBox' ) );
    			add_action( 'wp_insert_post', array( $this, 'addPostOrigin' ), 10, 2 );
    			add_action( 'save_post_'.self::POSTTYPE, array( $this, 'addEventMeta' ), 15, 2 );
    			add_action( 'save_post_'.self::VENUE_POST_TYPE, array( $this, 'save_venue_data' ), 16, 2 );
    			add_action( 'save_post_'.self::ORGANIZER_POST_TYPE, array( $this, 'save_organizer_data' ), 16, 2 );
    			add_action( 'save_post', array( $this, 'addToPostAuditTrail' ), 10, 2 );
                add_action( 'save_post', array( $this, 'update_earliest_latest' ), 20 );
                add_action( 'tribe_events_csv_import_complete', array( $this, 'rebuild_earliest_latest' ) );
                add_action( 'publish_'.self::POSTTYPE, array( $this, 'publishAssociatedTypes'), 25, 2 );
    			add_action( 'delete_post', array( $this, 'maybe_rebuild_earliest_latest' ) );
    			add_action( 'parse_query', array( $this, 'setDisplay' ), 51, 0);
    			add_action( 'tribe_events_post_errors', array( 'TribeEventsPostException', 'displayMessage' ) );
    			add_action( 'tribe_settings_top', array( 'TribeEventsOptionsException', 'displayMessage') );
    			add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'addAdminScriptsAndStyles' ) );
    			add_filter( 'tribe_events_register_event_type_args', array( $this, 'setDashicon' ) );
    			add_action( "trash_" . TribeEvents::VENUE_POST_TYPE, array($this, 'cleanupPostVenues'));
    			add_action( "trash_" . TribeEvents::ORGANIZER_POST_TYPE, array($this, 'cleanupPostOrganizers'));
    			add_action( "wp_ajax_tribe_event_validation", array($this,'ajax_form_validate') );
    			add_action( 'tribe_debug', array( $this, 'renderDebug' ), 10, 2 );
    			add_action( 'tribe_debug', array( $this, 'renderDebug' ), 10, 2 );
    			add_action( 'plugins_loaded', array('TribeEventsCacheListener', 'instance') );
    			add_action( 'plugins_loaded', array('TribeEventsCache', 'setup') );
    			// Load organizer and venue editors
    			add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'addVenueAndOrganizerEditor' ) );
    			add_action( 'tribe_venue_table_top', array( $this, 'displayEventVenueDropdown' ) );
    			add_action( 'tribe_organizer_table_top', array( $this, 'displayEventOrganizerDropdown' ) );
    			add_action( 'template_redirect', array( $this, 'template_redirect') );
    				add_action('tribe_events_details_bottom', array($this,'showAuditingData') );
    			// noindex grid view
    			add_action('wp_head', array( $this, 'noindex_months' ) );
    			add_action( 'wp', array( $this, 'issue_noindex_on_404' ), 10, 0 );
    			add_action( 'plugin_row_meta', array( $this, 'addMetaLinks' ), 10, 2 );
    			// organizer and venue
    			if( !defined('TRIBE_HIDE_UPSELL') || !TRIBE_HIDE_UPSELL ) {
    				add_action( 'wp_dashboard_setup', array( $this, 'dashboardWidget' ) );
    				add_action( 'tribe_events_cost_table', array($this, 'maybeShowMetaUpsell'));
    			// option pages
    			add_action( '_network_admin_menu', array( $this, 'initOptions' ) );
    			add_action( '_admin_menu', array( $this, 'initOptions' ) );
    			add_action( 'tribe_settings_do_tabs', array( $this, 'doSettingTabs' ) );
    			add_action( 'tribe_settings_do_tabs', array( $this, 'doNetworkSettingTab' ), 400 );
    			add_action( 'tribe_settings_content_tab_help', array( $this, 'doHelpTab' ) );
    			add_action( 'tribe_settings_validate_tab_network', array( $this, 'saveAllTabsHidden' ) );
    			add_action( 'load-tribe_events_page_tribe-events-calendar', array( 'Tribe_Amalgamator', 'listen_for_migration_button' ), 10, 0 );
    			add_action( 'tribe_settings_after_save', array($this, 'flushRewriteRules'));
    			add_action( 'load-edit-tags.php', array( $this, 'prepare_to_fix_tagcloud_links' ), 10, 0 );
    			// add-on compatibility
    			if ( is_multisite() )
    				add_action( 'network_admin_notices', array( $this, 'checkAddOnCompatibility' ) );
    				add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, 'checkAddOnCompatibility' ) );
    			add_action( 'wp_before_admin_bar_render', array( $this, 'addToolbarItems' ), 10 );
    			add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, 'activationMessage' ) );
    			add_action( 'all_admin_notices', array( $this, 'addViewCalendar' ) );
    			add_action( 'admin_head', array( $this, 'setInitialMenuMetaBoxes' ), 500 );
    			add_action( 'plugin_action_links_' . trailingslashit( $this->pluginDir ) . 'the-events-calendar.php', array( $this, 'addLinksToPluginActions' ) );
    			add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'addHelpAdminMenuItem' ), 50 );
    			/* VIEWS AJAX CALLS */
    			add_action( 'wp_ajax_tribe_calendar', array( $this, 'calendar_ajax_call' ) );
    			add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_tribe_calendar', array( $this, 'calendar_ajax_call' ) );
    			add_action( 'wp_ajax_tribe_list', array( $this, 'list_ajax_call' ) );
    			add_action( 'tribe_events_pre_get_posts', array( $this, 'set_tribe_paged' ) );
    			add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_tribe_list', array( $this, 'list_ajax_call' ) );
    			add_action( 'wp_ajax_tribe_event_day', array( $this, 'wp_ajax_tribe_event_day' ) );
    			add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_tribe_event_day', array( $this, 'wp_ajax_tribe_event_day' ) );
    			// Upgrade material.
    			add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'checkSuiteIfJustUpdated' ) );
    			// backwards compatibility
    			add_filter( 'tribe_get_single_option', array( $this, 'filter_multiday_cutoff' ), 10, 3 );
    			if ( defined('WP_LOAD_IMPORTERS') && WP_LOAD_IMPORTERS ) {
    				add_filter( 'wp_import_post_data_raw', array( $this, 'filter_wp_import_data_before' ), 10, 1 );
    				add_filter( 'wp_import_post_data_processed', array( $this, 'filter_wp_import_data_after' ), 10, 1 );
    			add_action( 'plugins_loaded', array( $this, 'init_ical' ), 2, 0 );
    			add_action( 'plugins_loaded', array( $this, 'init_day_view' ), 2 );
    		public function tribe_admin_footer_text( $footer_text ) {
    			global $current_screen;
    			// only display custom text on Tribe Admin Pages
    			if ( isset($current_screen->id) && strpos( $current_screen->id, 'tribe' ) !== false ) {
    				return sprintf( __( 'Rate <strong>The Events Calendar</strong> <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">★★★★★</a> on <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">www.ads-software.com</a> to keep this plugin free.  Thanks from the friendly folks at Modern Tribe.' ), __( 'https://www.ads-software.com/support/view/plugin-reviews/the-events-calendar?filter=5' ) );
    			} else {
    				return $footer_text;
    		public function init_ical() {
    			if ( !class_exists('TribeiCal' ) ) {
    				require_once 'tribe-ical.class.php' ;
    				require_once $this->pluginPath.'public/template-tags/ical.php';
    		 * Allow users to specify their own plural label for Venues
    		 * @return string
    		public function get_venue_label_plural() {
    			return apply_filters( 'tribe_venue_label_plural', __( 'Venues', 'tribe-events-calendar' ) );
    		 * Allow users to specify their own singular label for Venues
    		 * @return string
    		public function get_venue_label_singular() {
    			return apply_filters( 'tribe_venue_label_singular', __( 'Venue', 'tribe-events-calendar' ) );
    		 * Allow users to specify their own plural label for Organizers
    		 * @return string
    		public function get_organizer_label_plural() {
    			return apply_filters( 'tribe_organizer_label_plural', __( 'Organizers', 'tribe-events-calendar' ) );
    		 * Allow users to specify their own singular label for Organizers
    		 * @return string
    		public function get_organizer_label_singular() {
    			return apply_filters( 'tribe_organizer_label_singular', __( 'Organizer', 'tribe-events-calendar' ) );
     		 * Load the day view template tags
    		 * Loaded late due to potential upgrade conflict since moving them from pro
    		 * @TODO move this require to be with the rest of the template tag includes in 3.8
    		public function init_day_view() {
    			// load day view functions
    			require_once $this->pluginPath . 'public/template-tags/day.php';
    		 * Enqueue ajax handling for calendar grid view
    		function enqueue_for_ajax_calendar() {
    			if ( $this->displaying === 'month' ) {
    				Tribe_Template_Factory::asset_package( 'ajax-calendar' );
    		 * Add code to tell search engines not to index the grid view of the
    		 * calendar.  Users were seeing 100s of months being indexed.
    		public function noindex_months() {
    			if (get_query_var('eventDisplay') == 'month') {
    		public function issue_noindex_on_404() {
    			if ( is_404() ) {
    				global $wp_query;
    				if ( !empty($wp_query->tribe_is_event_query) ) {
    					add_action( 'wp_head', array( $this, 'print_noindex_meta' ), 10, 0 );
    		public function print_noindex_meta() {
    			echo ' <meta name="robots" content="noindex,follow" />'."\n";
    		 * Run on applied action init
    		public function init() {
    			$this->pluginName = __( 'The Events Calendar', 'tribe-events-calendar' );
    			$this->rewriteSlug         = $this->getRewriteSlug();
    			$this->rewriteSlugSingular = $this->getRewriteSlugSingular();
    			$this->taxRewriteSlug      = $this->getTaxRewriteSlug();
    			$this->tagRewriteSlug      = $this->getTagRewriteSlug();
    			$this->monthSlug = sanitize_title(__('month', 'tribe-events-calendar'));
    			$this->upcomingSlug = sanitize_title(__('upcoming', 'tribe-events-calendar'));
    			$this->pastSlug = sanitize_title(__('past', 'tribe-events-calendar'));
    			$this->daySlug = sanitize_title(__('day', 'tribe-events-calendar'));
    			$this->todaySlug = sanitize_title(__('today', 'tribe-events-calendar'));
    			$this->singular_venue_label = $this->get_venue_label_singular();
    			$this->plural_venue_label = $this->get_venue_label_plural();
    			$this->singular_organizer_label = $this->get_organizer_label_singular();
    			$this->plural_organizer_label = $this->get_organizer_label_plural();
    			$this->postTypeArgs['rewrite']['slug'] = sanitize_title($this->rewriteSlugSingular);
    			$this->postVenueTypeArgs['rewrite']['slug'] = sanitize_title( $this->singular_venue_label );
    			$this->postVenueTypeArgs['show_in_nav_menus'] = class_exists( 'TribeEventsPro' ) ? true : false;
    			$this->postOrganizerTypeArgs['rewrite']['slug'] = sanitize_title( $this->singular_organizer_label );
    			$this->postOrganizerTypeArgs['show_in_nav_menus'] = class_exists( 'TribeEventsPro' ) ? true : false;
    			$this->postVenueTypeArgs['public'] = class_exists( 'TribeEventsPro' ) ? true : false;
    			$this->postOrganizerTypeArgs['public'] = class_exists( 'TribeEventsPro' ) ? true : false;
    			$this->currentDay = '';
    			$this->errors = '';
    			self::debug(sprintf(__('Initializing Tribe Events on %s','tribe-events-calendar'),date('M, jS \a\t h:m:s a')));
    		 * Upgrade the database if an older version of events was installed.
    		public function maybeMigrateDatabase( ) {
    			// future migrations should actually check the db_version
    			$installed_version = get_option('tribe_events_db_version');
    			if( !$installed_version ) {
    				global $wpdb;
    				// rename option
    				update_option(self::OPTIONNAME, get_option('sp_events_calendar_options'));
    				// update post type names
    				$wpdb->update($wpdb->posts, array( 'post_type' => self::POSTTYPE ), array( 'post_type' => 'sp_events') );
    				$wpdb->update($wpdb->posts, array( 'post_type' => self::VENUE_POST_TYPE ), array( 'post_type' => 'sp_venue') );
    				$wpdb->update($wpdb->posts, array( 'post_type' => self::ORGANIZER_POST_TYPE ), array( 'post_type' => 'sp_organizer') );
    				// update taxonomy names
    				$wpdb->update($wpdb->term_taxonomy, array( 'taxonomy' => self::TAXONOMY ), array( 'taxonomy' => 'sp_events_cat') );
    				$installed_version = '2.0.1';
    				update_option('tribe_events_db_version', $installed_version);
    			if ( version_compare( $installed_version, '2.0.6', '<' ) ) {
    				$option_names = array(
    					'spEventsTemplate' => 'tribeEventsTemplate',
    					'spEventsBeforeHTML' => 'tribeEventsBeforeHTML',
    					'spEventsAfterHTML' => 'tribeEventsAfterHTML',
    				$old_option_names = array_keys( $option_names );
    				$new_option_names = array_values( $option_names );
    				$new_options = array();
    				$current_options = self::getOptions();
    				for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $old_option_names ); $i++ ) {
    					$new_options[$new_option_names[$i]] = $this->getOption( $old_option_names[$i] );
    					unset( $current_options[$old_option_names[$i]] );
    				$this->setOptions( wp_parse_args( $new_options, $current_options ) );
    				$installed_version = '2.0.6';
    				update_option('tribe_events_db_version', $installed_version);
    			if ( version_compare( get_option('tribe_events_db_version'), '3', '<' ) ) {
    				$installed_version = '3.0.0';
    				update_option('tribe_events_db_version', $installed_version);
    		 * Set the Calendar Version in the options table if it's not already set.
    		public function maybeSetTECVersion() {
    			if ( version_compare($this->getOption('latest_ecp_version'), self::VERSION, '<') ) {
    				$previous_versions = $this->getOption('previous_ecp_versions') ? $this->getOption('previous_ecp_versions') : array();
    				$previous_versions[] = ($this->getOption('latest_ecp_version')) ? $this->getOption('latest_ecp_version') : '0';
    				$this->setOption('previous_ecp_versions', $previous_versions);
    				$this->setOption('latest_ecp_version', self::VERSION);
    		 * Check add-ons to make sure they are supported by currently running TEC version.
    		 * @return void
    		public function checkAddOnCompatibility() {
    			// Variable for storing output to admin notices.
    			$output = '';
    			// Array to store any plugins that are out of date.
    			$bad_versions = array();
    			// Array to store all addons and their required CORE versions.
    			$tec_addons_required_versions = array();
    			// Array to store NAMES ONLY of any plugins that are out of date.
    			$out_of_date_addons = array();
    			// Is Core the thing that is out of date?
    			$tec_out_of_date = false;
    			// Get the addon information.
    			$tec_addons_required_versions = (array) apply_filters('tribe_tec_addons', $tec_addons_required_versions);
    			// Foreach addon, make sure that it is compatible with current version of core.
    			foreach ($tec_addons_required_versions as $plugin) {
    				if ( !strstr( self::VERSION, $plugin['required_version'] ) ) {
    					if ( isset( $plugin['current_version'] ) )
    						$bad_versions[] = $plugin;
    					if ( ( isset( $plugin['plugin_dir_file'] ) ) )
    						$addon_short_path = $plugin['plugin_dir_file'];
    						$addon_short_path = null;
    				// Check to make sure Core isn't the thing that is out of date.
    				if ( version_compare( $plugin['required_version'], self::VERSION, '>' ) ) {
    					$tec_out_of_date = true;
    			// If Core is out of date, generate the proper message.
    			if ( $tec_out_of_date == true ) {
    				$plugin_short_path = basename( dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) ) . '/the-events-calendar.php';
    				$upgrade_path = wp_nonce_url( add_query_arg( array( 'action' => 'upgrade-plugin', 'plugin' => $plugin_short_path ), get_admin_url() . 'update.php' ), 'upgrade-plugin_' . $plugin_short_path );
    				$output .= '<div class="error">';
    				$output .= '<p>' . sprintf( __('Your version of The Events Calendar is not up-to-date with one of your The Events Calendar add-ons. Please %supdate now.%s', 'tribe-events-calendar'), '<a href="' . $upgrade_path . '">', '</a>') .'</p>';
    				$output .= '</div>';
    			} else {
    				// Otherwise, if the addons are out of date, generate the proper messaging.
    				if ( !empty($bad_versions) ) {
    					foreach ($bad_versions as $plugin) {
    						if ( $plugin['current_version'] )
    							$out_of_date_addons[] = $plugin['plugin_name'] . ' ' . $plugin['current_version'];
    							$out_of_date_addons[] = $plugin['plugin_name'];
    					$output .= '<div class="error">';
    					$link = add_query_arg( array(
    						'utm_campaign' => 'in-app',
    						'utm_medium' => 'plugin-tec',
    						'utm_source' => 'notice'
    					), self::$tribeUrl . 'version-relationships-in-modern-tribe-pluginsadd-ons/' );
    					$output .= '<p>'.sprintf( __('The following plugins are out of date: <b>%s</b>. All add-ons contain dependencies on The Events Calendar and will not function properly unless paired with the right version. %sWant to pair an older version%s?', 'tribe-events-calendar'), join( $out_of_date_addons, ', ' ), "<a href='$link' target='_blank'>", '</a>' ).'</p>';
    					$output .= '</div>';
    			// Make sure only to show the message if the user has the permissions necessary.
    			if ( current_user_can( 'edit_plugins' ) ) {
    				echo apply_filters('tribe_add_on_compatibility_errors', $output);
    		 * Init the settings API and add a hook to add your own setting tabs
    		 * @return void
    		public function initOptions() {
    			require_once( 'tribe-settings.class.php' );
    			require_once( 'tribe-settings-tab.class.php' );
    			require_once( 'tribe-field.class.php' );
    			require_once( 'tribe-validate.class.php' );
    		 * Trigger is_404 on single event if no events are found
    		 * @return void
    		function template_redirect(){
    			global $wp_query;
    			if ( $wp_query->tribe_is_event_query && TribeEvents::instance()->displaying == 'single-event' && empty( $wp_query->posts ) ) {
    				$wp_query->is_404 = true;
    		 * Create setting tabs
    		 * @return void
    		public function doSettingTabs() {
    			$showNetworkTabs = $this->getNetworkOption( 'showSettingsTabs', false );
    			$link = add_query_arg( array(
    				'utm_campaign' => 'in-app',
    				'utm_medium' => 'plugin-tec',
    				'utm_source' => 'notice'
    			), self::$tribeUrl . 'license-keys/' );
    			$tribe_licences_tab_fields = array(
    				'info-start' => array(
    					'type' => 'html',
    					'html' => '<div id="modern-tribe-info">'
    				'info-box-title' => array(
    					'type' => 'html',
    					'html' => '<h2>' . __('Licenses', 'tribe-events-calendar') . '</h2>',
    				'info-box-description' => array(
    					'type' => 'html',
    					'html' =>  sprintf( __('<p>The license key you received when completing your purchase from %s will grant you access to support and updates until it expires. You do not need to enter the key below for the plugins to work, but you will need to enter it to get automatic updates. <strong>Find your license keys at <a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a></strong>.</p> <p>Each paid add-on has its own unique license key. Simply paste the key into its appropriate field on below, and give it a moment to validate. You know you\'re set when a green expiration date appears alongside a "valid" message.</p> <p>If you\'re seeing a red message telling you that your key isn\'t valid or is out of installs, visit <a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a> to manage your installs or renew / upgrade your license.</p><p>Not seeing an update but expecting one? In WordPress, go to <a href="%s">Dashboard > Updates</a> and click "Check Again".</p>', 'tribe-events-calendar'),
    						self::$tribeUrl . 'license-keys/',
    						self::$tribeUrl . 'license-keys/',
    				'info-end' => array(
    					'type' => 'html',
    					'html' => '</div>'
    				'tribe-form-content-start' => array(
    					'type' => 'html',
    					'html' => '<div class="tribe-settings-form-wrap">'
    				// TODO: Figure out how properly close this wrapper after the license content
    				'tribe-form-content-end' => array(
    					'type' => 'html',
    					'html' => '</div>'
    			new TribeSettingsTab( 'general', __('General', 'tribe-events-calendar'), $generalTab );
    			new TribeSettingsTab( 'display', __('Display', 'tribe-events-calendar'), $displayTab );
    			// If none of the addons are activated, do not show the licenses tab.
    			$addons = apply_filters( 'tribe_licensable_addons', array() );
    			if ( !empty($addons) ) {
    				$license_fields = apply_filters( 'tribe_license_fields', $tribe_licences_tab_fields );
    				if ( is_multisite() ) {
    					new TribeSettingsTab( 'licenses', __('Licenses', 'tribe-events-calendar'), array('priority' => '40', 'network_admin' => true, 'fields' => $license_fields ) );
    				} else {
    					new TribeSettingsTab( 'licenses', __('Licenses', 'tribe-events-calendar'), array('priority' => '40', 'fields' => $license_fields ) );
    			new TribeSettingsTab( 'help', __('Help', 'tribe-events-calendar'), array('priority' => 60, 'show_save' => false) );
    		 * Create the help tab
    		public function doHelpTab() {
    		 * Test PHP and WordPress versions for compatibility
    		 * @param string $system - system to be tested such as 'php' or 'wordpress'
    		 * @return boolean - is the existing version of the system supported?
    		public function supportedVersion($system) {
    			if ($supported = wp_cache_get($system,'tribe_version_test')) {
    				return $supported;
    			} else {
    				switch (strtolower($system)) {
    					case 'wordpress' :
    						$supported = version_compare(get_bloginfo('version'), '3.0', '>=');
    					case 'php' :
    						$supported = version_compare( phpversion(), '5.2', '>=');
    				$supported = apply_filters('tribe_events_supported_version',$supported,$system);
    				return $supported;
    		 * Display a WordPress or PHP incompatibility error
    		public function notSupportedError() {
    			if ( !self::supportedVersion('wordpress') ) {
    				echo '<div class="error"><p>'.sprintf(__('Sorry, The Events Calendar requires WordPress %s or higher. Please upgrade your WordPress install.', 'tribe-events-calendar'),'3.0').'</p></div>';
    			if ( !self::supportedVersion('php') ) {
    				echo '<div class="error"><p>'.sprintf(__('Sorry, The Events Calendar requires PHP %s or higher. Talk to your Web host about moving you to a newer version of PHP.', 'tribe-events-calendar'),'5.2').'</p></div>';
    		 * Add a menu item class to the event
    		 * @param array $items
    		 * @param array $args
    		 * @return array
    		public function add_current_menu_item_class_to_events( $items, $args ) {
    			foreach($items as $item) {
    				if($item->url == $this->getLink() ) {
    					if ( is_singular( TribeEvents::POSTTYPE )
    						|| is_singular( TribeEvents::VENUE_POST_TYPE )
    						|| is_tax(TribeEvents::TAXONOMY)
    						|| ( ( tribe_is_upcoming()
    							|| tribe_is_past()
    							|| tribe_is_month() )
    						&& isset($wp_query->query_vars['eventDisplay']) ) ) {
    						$item->classes[] = 'current-menu-item current_page_item';
    			return $items;
    		 * Add a checkbox to the menu
    		 * @param array $posts
    		 * @param array $args
    		 * @param string $post_type
    		 * @return array
    		public function add_events_checkbox_to_menu( $posts, $args, $post_type ) {
    			global $_nav_menu_placeholder, $wp_rewrite;
    			$_nav_menu_placeholder = ( 0 > $_nav_menu_placeholder ) ? intval($_nav_menu_placeholder) - 1 : -1;
    			$archive_slug = $this->getLink();
    			array_unshift( $posts, (object) array(
    				'ID' => 0,
    				'object_id' => $_nav_menu_placeholder,
    				'post_content' => '',
    				'post_excerpt' => '',
    				'post_title' => $post_type['args']->labels->all_items,
    				'post_type' => 'nav_menu_item',
    				'type' => 'custom',
    				'url' => $archive_slug,
    			) );
    			return $posts;
    		 * Tribe debug function. usage: TribeEvents::debug( 'Message', $data, 'log' );
    		 * @param string $title Message to display in log
    		 * @param string|bool $data Optional data to display
    		 * @param string $format Optional format (log|warning|error|notice)
    		 * @return void
    		public static function debug( $title, $data = false, $format = 'log' ) {
    			do_action( 'tribe_debug', $title, $data, $format );
    		 * Render the debug logging to the php error log. This can be over-ridden by removing the filter.
    		 * @param string $title - message to display in log
    		 * @param string|bool $data - optional data to display
    		 * @param string $format - optional format (log|warning|error|notice)
    		 * @return void
    		public function renderDebug( $title, $data = false, $format = 'log' ) {
    			$format = ucfirst( $format );
    			if ( $this->getOption( 'debugEvents' ) ) {
    				error_log( $this->pluginName . " $format: $title" );
    				if ( $data && $data != '' ) {
    					error_log( $this->pluginName . " $format: " . print_r( $data, true ) );
    		 * Define an admin notice
    		 * @param string $key
    		 * @param string $notice
    		 * @return bool
    		public static function setNotice( $key, $notice ){
    			self::instance()->notices[ $key ] = $notice;
    			return true;
    		 * Check to see if an admin notice exists
    		 * @param string $key
    		 * @return bool
    		public static function isNotice( $key ) {
    			return !empty( self::instance()->notices[ $key ] ) ? true : false ;
    		 * Remove an admin notice
    		 * @param string $key
    		 * @return bool
    		public static function removeNotice( $key ){
    			if ( self::isNotice($key)) {
    				unset( self::instance()->notices[ $key ] );
    				return true;
    			} else {
    				return false;
    		 * Get the admin notices
    		 * @return array
    		public static function getNotices(){
    			return self::instance()->notices;
    		 * Get the event taxonomy
    		 * @return string
    		public function get_event_taxonomy() {
    			return self::TAXONOMY;
    		 * Add space to the title in RSS
    		 * @param string $title
    		 * @return string
    		public function add_space_to_rss($title) {
    			global $wp_query;
    			if(get_query_var('eventDisplay') == 'upcoming' && get_query_var('post_type') == TribeEvents::POSTTYPE) {
    				return $title . ' ';
    			return $title;
    		 * Sorts the meta to ensure we are getting the real start date
    		 * @deprecated since 3.4
    		 * @param int $postId
    		 * @return string
    		public static function getRealStartDate( $postId ) {
    			return TribeEvents::get_series_start_date($postId);
    		 * Add event title where appropriate
    		 * @param string $title
    		 * @param string|null $sep
    		 * @return mixed|void
    		public function maybeAddEventTitle( $title, $sep = null ){
    			switch( get_query_var('eventDisplay') ) {
    				case 'upcoming':
    					$new_title = apply_filters( 'tribe_upcoming_events_title', __("Upcoming Events", 'tribe-events-calendar') . ' ' . $sep . ' ' . $title, $sep );
    				case 'past':
    					$new_title = apply_filters( 'tribe_past_events_title', __("Past Events", 'tribe-events-calendar') . ' ' . $sep . ' ' . $title, $sep );
    				case 'month':
    						$title_date = date_i18n(tribe_get_option('monthAndYearFormat', 'F Y') ,strtotime(get_query_var('eventDate')));
    						$new_title = apply_filters( 'tribe_month_grid_view_title', sprintf(__("Events for %s", 'tribe-events-calendar'), $title_date ) . ' ' . $sep . ' ' . $title, $sep, $title_date );
    						$new_title = apply_filters( 'tribe_events_this_month_title', sprintf(__("Events this month", 'tribe-events-calendar'), get_query_var('eventDate') ) . ' ' . $sep . ' ' . $title, $sep );
    				case 'day':
    					$title_date = date_i18n(tribe_get_date_format(true),strtotime(get_query_var('eventDate')));
    					$new_title = apply_filters( 'tribe_events_day_view_title', sprintf(__("Events for %s", 'tribe-events-calendar'), $title_date) . ' ' . $sep . ' ', $sep, $title_date );
    					$new_title = $title;
    			return apply_filters( 'tribe_events_add_title', $new_title, $title, $sep );
    		 * Update body classes
    		 * @param array $classes
    		 * @return array
    		 * @TODO move this to template class
    		public function body_class( $classes ) {
    			if ( get_query_var('post_type') == self::POSTTYPE ) {
    				if ( !is_admin() && tribe_get_option( 'liveFiltersUpdate', true ) )
    					$classes[] = 'tribe-filter-live';
    			return $classes;
    		 * Update post classes
    		 * @param array $classes
    		 * @return array
    		 * @TODO move this to template class
    		public function post_class( $classes ) {
    			global $post;
    			if ( is_object($post) && isset($post->post_type) && $post->post_type == self::POSTTYPE && $terms = get_the_terms( $post->ID , self::TAXONOMY ) ) {
    				foreach ($terms as $term) {
    					$classes[] = 'cat_' . sanitize_html_class($term->slug, $term->term_taxonomy_id);
    			// Remove the .hentry class if it is a single event page (it is positioned elsewhere in the template markup)
    			if ( tribe_is_event( $post->ID ) && is_singular() && in_array( 'hentry', $classes ) )
    				unset( $classes[array_search( 'hentry', $classes )] );
    			return $classes;
    		 * Add capabilities to Events
    		 * @return void		 */
    		private function addCapabilities() {
    			$role = get_role( 'administrator' );
    			if ( $role ) {
    				$role->add_cap( 'edit_tribe_event' );
    				$role->add_cap( 'read_tribe_event' );
    				$role->add_cap( 'delete_tribe_event' );
    				$role->add_cap( 'delete_tribe_events');
    				$role->add_cap( 'edit_tribe_events' );
    				$role->add_cap( 'edit_others_tribe_events' );
    				$role->add_cap( 'delete_others_tribe_events' );
    				$role->add_cap( 'publish_tribe_events' );
    				$role->add_cap( 'edit_published_tribe_events' );
    				$role->add_cap( 'delete_published_tribe_events' );
    				$role->add_cap( 'delete_private_tribe_events' );
    				$role->add_cap( 'edit_private_tribe_events' );
    				$role->add_cap( 'read_private_tribe_events' );
    				$role->add_cap( 'edit_tribe_venue' );
    				$role->add_cap( 'read_tribe_venue' );
    				$role->add_cap( 'delete_tribe_venue' );
    				$role->add_cap( 'delete_tribe_venues');
    				$role->add_cap( 'edit_tribe_venues' );
    				$role->add_cap( 'edit_others_tribe_venues' );
    				$role->add_cap( 'delete_others_tribe_venues' );
    				$role->add_cap( 'publish_tribe_venues' );
    				$role->add_cap( 'edit_published_tribe_venues' );
    				$role->add_cap( 'delete_published_tribe_venues' );
    				$role->add_cap( 'delete_private_tribe_venues' );
    				$role->add_cap( 'edit_private_tribe_venues' );
    				$role->add_cap( 'read_private_tribe_venues' );
    				$role->add_cap( 'edit_tribe_organizer' );
    				$role->add_cap( 'read_tribe_organizer' );
    				$role->add_cap( 'delete_tribe_organizer' );
    				$role->add_cap( 'delete_tribe_organizers');
    				$role->add_cap( 'edit_tribe_organizers' );
    				$role->add_cap( 'edit_others_tribe_organizers' );
    				$role->add_cap( 'delete_others_tribe_organizers' );
    				$role->add_cap( 'publish_tribe_organizers' );
    				$role->add_cap( 'edit_published_tribe_organizers' );
    				$role->add_cap( 'delete_published_tribe_organizers' );
    				$role->add_cap( 'delete_private_tribe_organizers' );
    				$role->add_cap( 'edit_private_tribe_organizers' );
    				$role->add_cap( 'read_private_tribe_organizers' );
    			$editor = get_role( 'editor' );
    			if ( $editor ) {
    				$editor->add_cap( 'edit_tribe_event' );
    				$editor->add_cap( 'read_tribe_event' );
    				$editor->add_cap( 'delete_tribe_event' );
    				$editor->add_cap( 'delete_tribe_events');
    				$editor->add_cap( 'edit_tribe_events' );
    				$editor->add_cap( 'edit_others_tribe_events' );
    				$editor->add_cap( 'delete_others_tribe_events' );
    				$editor->add_cap( 'publish_tribe_events' );
    				$editor->add_cap( 'edit_published_tribe_events' );
    				$editor->add_cap( 'delete_published_tribe_events' );
    				$editor->add_cap( 'delete_private_tribe_events' );
    				$editor->add_cap( 'edit_private_tribe_events' );
    				$editor->add_cap( 'read_private_tribe_events' );
    				$editor->add_cap( 'edit_tribe_venue' );
    				$editor->add_cap( 'read_tribe_venue' );
    				$editor->add_cap( 'delete_tribe_venue' );
    				$editor->add_cap( 'delete_tribe_venues');
    				$editor->add_cap( 'edit_tribe_venues' );
    				$editor->add_cap( 'edit_others_tribe_venues' );
    				$editor->add_cap( 'delete_others_tribe_venues' );
    				$editor->add_cap( 'publish_tribe_venues' );
    				$editor->add_cap( 'edit_published_tribe_venues' );
    				$editor->add_cap( 'delete_published_tribe_venues' );
    				$editor->add_cap( 'delete_private_tribe_venues' );
    				$editor->add_cap( 'edit_private_tribe_venues' );
    				$editor->add_cap( 'read_private_tribe_venues' );
    				$editor->add_cap( 'edit_tribe_organizer' );
    				$editor->add_cap( 'read_tribe_organizer' );
    				$editor->add_cap( 'delete_tribe_organizer' );
    				$editor->add_cap( 'delete_tribe_organizers');
    				$editor->add_cap( 'edit_tribe_organizers' );
    				$editor->add_cap( 'edit_others_tribe_organizers' );
    				$editor->add_cap( 'delete_others_tribe_organizers' );
    				$editor->add_cap( 'publish_tribe_organizers' );
    				$editor->add_cap( 'edit_published_tribe_organizers' );
    				$editor->add_cap( 'delete_published_tribe_organizers' );
    				$editor->add_cap( 'delete_private_tribe_organizers' );
    				$editor->add_cap( 'edit_private_tribe_organizers' );
    				$editor->add_cap( 'read_private_tribe_organizers' );
    			$author = get_role( 'author' );
    			if ( $author ) {
    				$author->add_cap( 'edit_tribe_event' );
    				$author->add_cap( 'read_tribe_event' );
    				$author->add_cap( 'delete_tribe_event' );
    				$author->add_cap( 'delete_tribe_events' );
    				$author->add_cap( 'edit_tribe_events' );
    				$author->add_cap( 'publish_tribe_events' );
    				$author->add_cap( 'edit_published_tribe_events' );
    				$author->add_cap( 'delete_published_tribe_events' );
    				$author->add_cap( 'edit_tribe_venue' );
    				$author->add_cap( 'read_tribe_venue' );
    				$author->add_cap( 'delete_tribe_venue' );
    				$author->add_cap( 'delete_tribe_venues' );
    				$author->add_cap( 'edit_tribe_venues' );
    				$author->add_cap( 'publish_tribe_venues' );
    				$author->add_cap( 'edit_published_tribe_venues' );
    				$author->add_cap( 'delete_published_tribe_venues' );
    				$author->add_cap( 'edit_tribe_organizer' );
    				$author->add_cap( 'read_tribe_organizer' );
    				$author->add_cap( 'delete_tribe_organizer' );
    				$author->add_cap( 'delete_tribe_organizers' );
    				$author->add_cap( 'edit_tribe_organizers' );
    				$author->add_cap( 'publish_tribe_organizers' );
    				$author->add_cap( 'edit_published_tribe_organizers' );
    				$author->add_cap( 'delete_published_tribe_organizers' );
    			$contributor = get_role( 'contributor' );
    			if ( $contributor ) {
    				$contributor->add_cap( 'edit_tribe_event' );
    				$contributor->add_cap( 'read_tribe_event' );
    				$contributor->add_cap( 'delete_tribe_event' );
    				$contributor->add_cap( 'delete_tribe_events' );
    				$contributor->add_cap( 'edit_tribe_events' );
    				$contributor->add_cap( 'edit_tribe_venue' );
    				$contributor->add_cap( 'read_tribe_venue' );
    				$contributor->add_cap( 'delete_tribe_venue' );
    				$contributor->add_cap( 'delete_tribe_venues' );
    				$contributor->add_cap( 'edit_tribe_venues');
    				$contributor->add_cap( 'edit_tribe_organizer' );
    				$contributor->add_cap( 'read_tribe_organizer' );
    				$contributor->add_cap( 'delete_tribe_organizer' );
    				$contributor->add_cap( 'delete_tribe_organizers' );
    				$contributor->add_cap( 'edit_tribe_organizers' );
    			$subscriber = get_role( 'subscriber' );
    			if ( $subscriber ) {
    				$subscriber->add_cap( 'read_tribe_event' );
    				$subscriber->add_cap( 'read_tribe_organizer' );
    				$subscriber->add_cap( 'read_tribe_venue' );
    		 * Register the post types.
    		 * @return void
    		public function registerPostType() {
    			register_post_type(self::POSTTYPE, apply_filters( 'tribe_events_register_event_type_args', $this->postTypeArgs) );
    			register_post_type(self::VENUE_POST_TYPE, apply_filters( 'tribe_events_register_venue_type_args', $this->postVenueTypeArgs) );
    			register_post_type(self::ORGANIZER_POST_TYPE, apply_filters( 'tribe_events_register_organizer_type_args', $this->postOrganizerTypeArgs) );
    			if ( is_admin() && ( !defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) || !DOING_AJAX ) )
    			register_taxonomy( self::TAXONOMY, self::POSTTYPE, array(
    				'hierarchical' => true,
    				'update_count_callback' => '',
    				'rewrite' => array( 'slug'=> $this->taxRewriteSlug, 'with_front' => false, 'hierarchical' => true ),
    				'public' => true,
    				'show_ui' => true,
    				'labels' => $this->taxonomyLabels,
    				'capabilities' => array(
    					'manage_terms' => 'publish_tribe_events',
    					'edit_terms' => 'publish_tribe_events',
    					'delete_terms' => 'publish_tribe_events',
    					'assign_terms' => 'edit_tribe_events'
    			if( $this->getOption('showComments','no') == 'yes' ) {
    				add_post_type_support( self::POSTTYPE, 'comments');
    		 * Get the rewrite slug
    		 * @return string
    		public function getRewriteSlug() {
    			return sanitize_title( $this->getOption( 'eventsSlug', 'events' ) );
    		 * Get the single post rewrite slug
    		 * @return string
    		public function getRewriteSlugSingular() {
    			return sanitize_title( $this->getOption( 'singleEventSlug', 'event' ) );
    		 * Get taxonomy rewrite slug
    		 * @return mixed|void
    		public function getTaxRewriteSlug() {
    			$slug = $this->getRewriteSlug() . '/' . sanitize_title( __( 'category', 'tribe-events-calendar' ) );
    			return apply_filters( 'tribe_events_category_rewrite_slug', $slug );
    		 * Get tag rewrite slug
    		 * @return mixed|void
    		public function getTagRewriteSlug() {
    			$slug = $this->getRewriteSlug() . '/' . sanitize_title( __( 'tag', 'tribe-events-calendar' ) );
    			return apply_filters( 'tribe_events_tag_rewrite_slug', $slug );
    		 * Get venue post type args
    		 * @return array
    		public function getVenuePostTypeArgs() {
    			return $this->postVenueTypeArgs;
    		 * Get organizer post type args
    		 * @return array
    		public function getOrganizerPostTypeArgs() {
    			return $this->postOrganizerTypeArgs;
    		 * Generate custom post type lables
    		protected function generatePostTypeLabels() {
    			$this->postTypeArgs['labels'] = array(
    				'name' => __('Events', 'tribe-events-calendar'),
    				'singular_name' => __('Event', 'tribe-events-calendar'),
    				'add_new' => __('Add New', 'tribe-events-calendar'),
    				'add_new_item' => __('Add New Event', 'tribe-events-calendar'),
    				'edit_item' => __('Edit Event', 'tribe-events-calendar'),
    				'new_item' => __('New Event', 'tribe-events-calendar'),
    				'view_item' => __('View Event', 'tribe-events-calendar'),
    				'search_items' => __('Search Events', 'tribe-events-calendar'),
    				'not_found' => __('No events found', 'tribe-events-calendar'),
    				'not_found_in_trash' => __('No events found in Trash', 'tribe-events-calendar'),
    			$this->postVenueTypeArgs['labels'] = array(
    				'name' => $this->plural_venue_label,
    				'singular_name' => $this->singular_venue_label,
    				'add_new' => __('Add New', 'tribe-events-calendar'),
    				'add_new_item' => sprintf(__( 'Add New %s','tribe-events-calendar'), $this->singular_venue_label),
    				'edit_item' => sprintf(__( 'Edit %s','tribe-events-calendar'), $this->singular_venue_label),
    				'new_item' => sprintf(__( 'New %s','tribe-events-calendar'), $this->singular_venue_label),
    				'view_item' => sprintf(__( 'View %s','tribe-events-calendar'), $this->singular_venue_label),
    				'search_items' => sprintf(__( 'Search %s','tribe-events-calendar'), $this->plural_venue_label),
    				'not_found' => sprintf(__( 'No %s found','tribe-events-calendar'), strtolower( $this->plural_venue_label )),
    				'not_found_in_trash' => sprintf(__( 'No %s found in Trash','tribe-events-calendar'), strtolower( $this->plural_venue_label )),
    			$this->postOrganizerTypeArgs['labels'] = array(
    				'name' => $this->plural_organizer_label,
    				'singular_name' => $this->singular_organizer_label,
    				'add_new' => __('Add New', 'tribe-events-calendar'),
    				'add_new_item' => sprintf(__( 'Add New %s','tribe-events-calendar'), $this->singular_organizer_label),
    				'edit_item' => sprintf(__( 'Edit %s','tribe-events-calendar'), $this->singular_organizer_label),
    				'new_item' => sprintf(__( 'New %s','tribe-events-calendar'), $this->singular_organizer_label),
    				'view_item' => sprintf(__( 'View %s','tribe-events-calendar'), $this->singular_organizer_label),
    				'search_items' => sprintf(__( 'Search %s','tribe-events-calendar'), $this->plural_organizer_label),
    				'not_found' => sprintf(__( 'No %s found','tribe-events-calendar'), strtolower( $this->plural_organizer_label )),
    				'not_found_in_trash' => sprintf(__( 'No %s found in Trash','tribe-events-calendar'), strtolower( $this->plural_organizer_label )),
    			$this->taxonomyLabels = array(
    				'name' =>	__( 'Event Categories', 'tribe-events-calendar' ),
    				'singular_name' =>	__( 'Event Category', 'tribe-events-calendar' ),
    				'search_items' =>	__( 'Search Event Categories', 'tribe-events-calendar' ),
    				'all_items' => __( 'All Event Categories', 'tribe-events-calendar' ),
    				'parent_item' =>	__( 'Parent Event Category', 'tribe-events-calendar' ),
    				'parent_item_colon' =>	__( 'Parent Event Category:'

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