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  • Plugin Contributor Igor Belykh


    Hi wasanajones,

    Yes, it searches costom post type as well and you can filter the search results by post types.


    Thread Starter wasanajones


    Hi –

    I can’t figure it out…

    I’ve registered for key etc.

    Nothing appears on my designated search page

    there doesn’t appear to be a widget

    how are we supposed to use this to filter search results?

    Plugin Contributor Igor Belykh


    Hi wasanajones,

    If you created a search engine and synchronized posts on the wordpress dashboard on the SearchIQ tab and autocomplete and search page are not working then I need to take a look at your site to help you.


    Thread Starter wasanajones


    Hi – appreciate the offer for personal support but it is all becoming a bit too complicated.

    Plugin Contributor Igor Belykh


    Hi wasanajones,

    We are open for your suggestions, to make the plugin easier for use. If you have any suggestion we will be glad to know about that. Also it would be great if you tell us what setup step looks complicated for you.


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