custom post type don’t appear in the main colllection
I created a custom post type, but it don’t appear in the main colllection. How to fix it?
Depends on how code savvy you may or may not be. It’s not a setting we have with the free plugin.
Some code like looks like it’d be a good starting point, though I think it needs a bit more customization overall since that would add it for consideration to all the main queries.
OK, thanks.
For some reason I can’t find a way to post my own question, but it kinda relates to this one.
During the last wordpress update something has happened so that I am getting 404 pages.
To see what I mean go to and check the two boxes labeled Podcast and Shift Ezine.Three years ago this happened, and we did something. What was it?
@becalewisgmailcom Try flushing your permalinks by visiting that permalinks settings page and just hit save without touching settings.
Okay – tried that – wish it would have worked … but it didn’t ??
Do you happen to have a page named “podcast” too? or is the url/slug just meant to be for an archive of podcast episodes?
Looks like the EZine link is a category archive, or perhaps a custom taxonomy that has a rewrite to “category” which would likely conflict with the out-of-box “category” that comes with WordPress.
The later – I don’t have a page named podcast
Would this category think just have happened? I haven’t changed anything and it’s been like this for years and years … literally!
Links like this don’t work either –’/pod_cast_categories/reality-shifts
All through this plugin
Something had to have changed, given that it has been fine for years. However, I can’t say at all what may have as I’ve never been to the site until today.
What changes, if any have been made to the site? Anything content? anything new updates from other unrelated plugins? WordPress core? Any new customizations made recently?
Of course – I meant I hadn’t changed anything myself. However, the theme has updated, and so has wordress.
No new customizations. No new content.
Three years ago this happened
I noticed there is some this /’/ in the feed I posted above. Is that something? I don’t remember seeing that before
Looks like I didn’t really have any definitive answer then either for what was going on.
Whats in your CPTUI settings? You can get that in an copy/paste ready version by visiting the “Tools” menu items and related tabs once there. i’m curious what’s in your settings there.
Here you go
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Hrm, drat. Nothing immediate standing out as odd there.
Just case, can you pass along the taxonomy settings too?
I fixed it!
It was in the permalinks. Somehow they got messed up – I checked my other sites and used them as an example.
What I had was
And I changed it to this
Thanks for helping me with this!
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