• Frank.Prendergast


    What I’m trying to achieve is…

    • custom post type with slug events
    • a custom post listings page (and therefore menu item) called Events
    • Standard menu behaviour for Events menu item
    • Logical urls ie mysite.com/events , mysite.com/events/postname

    I have created a custom post type for events, with the slug events and I have also created a page template to list the posts – however…

    If I create a page called Events and apply a template WordPress shows index.php – I’m guessing because my page slug and post type slug are the same and the post type slug is taking precedence.

    I can create a template redirect(1) instead which serves the correct template, however the menu still does not behave correctly as we are not really on the Events page I created.

    Is there a way to create a page for custom post types that naturally resides at the same slug?

    Many thanks!

    1) https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/custom-post-type-listing-page?replies=2

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  • Thread Starter Frank.Prendergast


    Just after posting I did find a blog post outlining how to apply a class to the menu item so that the menu aesthetically behaves more or less correctly: https://bit.ly/gt1YJQ

    However I feel as though all of the above is a bit of a kludge, if there is a cleaner approach I’d love to hear about it.

    For example, I like to remove the link to the current page [1], which doesn’t work with this approach.


    [1] https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/remove-link-from-current-page/

    Thread Starter Frank.Prendergast


    For anyone who stumbles upon this post, here’s what I have done with much gratitude to John Blackbourn [1]…

    1. when setting up CPTs in functions.php make sure has_archive is set to true and set up your rewrite with your desired slug
    2. In your custom menu set up a custom link to the full url of the CPT archive – eg https://mysite.com/events – this will ensure your menu item gets highlighted
    3. Use the template hierarchy if you want to code your own CPT archive page
    4. Add a filter [2] to functions.php which adds a new class [3] to the li of your CPT link
    5. Use a combination of body class, your new class and current_page_parent class to set styles that highlight the appropriate links

    [1] https://www.ads-software.com/support/profile/johnbillion

    [2] The filter:

    add_filter( 'nav_menu_css_class', 'x_nav_menu_css_class', 10, 3 );
    function x_nav_menu_css_class( $classes, $item = null, $args = null ) {
           if ( is_singular() ) {
                   $pto = get_post_type_object( get_query_var('post_type') );
                   if ( $pto->rewrite['slug'] == $item->post_name )
                           $classes[] = 'current_page_parent_x';
           return $classes;

    This adds a class of current_page_parent_x to the parent page of a CPT single.

    [3] I used a new class instead of current_page_parent because WordPress adds current_page_parent to your posts page li if you have a static homepage set.

    This is brilliant—exactly what I’m trying to accomplish. I’ve been trying to figure this out for hours, and frankly I’m a bit stunned that there isn’t a more direct way to accomplish this behaviour—it would seem to me that custom posts types would have been conceived with exactly this usage in mind, and that the ability to assign their URL/menu hierarchy wouldn’t be so convoluted.

    Any insight into how to accomplish this using the standard wp_list_pages function instead of custom menus?


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