• I need to list all the posts in my custom post type alphabetically. Not a problem, everything is looking right:

    <?php $args = array(
    	'posts_per_page' => -1,

    The problem is within the WP dashboard though. When I go to view the list of posts and sort them by title in the dashboard, there are 2 alphabetical lists.

    What I mean is that I have 104 posts in this custom post type (Businesses). Of those 104 posts, about 25-ish of them are listed alphabetically, as they should be. Then the other 75-ish posts are listed alphabetically after that first group. So all 104 posts are split up and then alphabetized, instead of staying together.

    I thought it maybe had something to do with the date they were created, the category they were in, or some other identifying factor that would cause them to group together like that, but they appear to be very random and sporadic.

    What could be causing this and how can I get this fixed?

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