• Resolved KayBeSee


    Hello —

    I wanted to add another custom post type named “Classes” that will function similar to the Events and Locations post types. I am using the plugin Types (https://wp-types.com) but can’t figure out how I would go about linking Classes to Events like Locations are linked.

    By linking I mean that I want to be able for users to be able to submit class information, and have class information displayed on an events page (preferably using #_SHORTCODES)

    Can anyone help/explain this to me? I’d really appreciate it.


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  • Plugin Support angelo_nwl


    sorry, unfortunately I can’t help you with that since it involves other plugins and I haven’t tried it yet.

    Thread Starter KayBeSee


    Well if I made a custom Post Type called Classes without the use of another plugin, would you be able to assist me then? I looked through the code for locations and events and just cannot figure out how to get the two to work with one another (i.e. assign an event a class just as it is assigned a location).

    I looked through your tutorials and was able to link taxonomies but not post types. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Plugin Support angelo_nwl



    maybe you can try wordpress plugin Posts 2 Post

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