Hi Scott.
Thanks for letting us know about your issue.
It looks like you’re using a custom template for the linked page. Custom templates often skip the proper WordPress ways of retrieving content and that can stop above/below content buttons from being added on.
On that page, I’d expect the page to call the_content() but it doesn’t look like it does. We use filters on the_content, get_the_excerpt, the_excerpt and wp_trim_excerpt to add tools above and below posts and pages. If a theme doesn’t use those to get the text for a post or does something unexpected with it after (like shortening it, removing HTML, or escaping HTML) our above/below tools aren’t going to work. There’s no way around this.
However, it seems like that template is doing enough right that the sharing sidebar will work on those pages (it’s currently disabled). The mobile sharing sidebar is already working on them.