custom query to add billing phone field to admin customer list
This feature to add the billing phone field into admin customer list actually has been asked many times
But seem still haven’t got feedback from woocommerce team. Hence I tried to dig into this issue by myself.
I am following this tutorial to create the extension:
This is the snippets that I come with:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_analytics_clauses_join_customers_subquery', 'add_join_subquery' ); function add_join_subquery($clauses){ global $wpdb; $tbl = $wpdb->usermeta; $ctbl = $wpdb->prefix.'wc_customer_lookup'; $clauses[] = "JOIN {$tbl} AS meta ON {$ctbl}.customer_id = meta.user_id AND meta.meta_key = 'billing_phone'"; return $clauses; }
But this give me the empty data set. What is wrong with the codes?
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