• Resolved userperson


    Hi, using the custom rewrite slug feature on this plugin makes the pagination (example: mysite.com/mycustomposttypeslug/page/2/) lead to an error 404 page. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

    Here is what my post type settings look like:

        "custom_post_type": {
            "name": "unique_post_type",
            "label": "Unique Posts",
            "singular_label": "Unique Post",
            "description": "",
            "public": "true",
            "publicly_queryable": "true",
            "show_ui": "true",
            "show_in_nav_menus": "true",
            "delete_with_user": "false",
            "show_in_rest": "true",
            "rest_base": "",
            "rest_controller_class": "",
            "has_archive": "false",
            "has_archive_string": "",
            "exclude_from_search": "false",
            "capability_type": "post",
            "hierarchical": "false",
            "rewrite": "true",
            "rewrite_slug": "unique-post-type",
            "rewrite_withfront": "true",
            "query_var": "true",
            "query_var_slug": "",
            "menu_position": "",
            "show_in_menu": "true",
            "show_in_menu_string": "",
            "menu_icon": "dashicons-businessman",
            "supports": ["title", "editor", "thumbnail", "excerpt", "trackbacks", "custom-fields", "comments", "revisions", "author", "page-attributes", "post-formats"],
            "taxonomies": [],
            "labels": {
                "menu_name": "",
                "all_items": "",
                "add_new": "",
                "add_new_item": "",
                "edit_item": "",
                "new_item": "",
                "view_item": "",
                "view_items": "",
                "search_items": "",
                "not_found": "",
                "not_found_in_trash": "",
                "parent_item_colon": "",
                "featured_image": "",
                "set_featured_image": "",
                "remove_featured_image": "",
                "use_featured_image": "",
                "archives": "",
                "insert_into_item": "",
                "uploaded_to_this_item": "",
                "filter_items_list": "",
                "items_list_navigation": "",
                "items_list": "",
                "attributes": "",
                "name_admin_bar": "",
                "item_published": "",
                "item_published_privately": "",
                "item_reverted_to_draft": "",
                "item_scheduled": "",
                "item_updated": ""
            "custom_supports": ""
Viewing 4 replies - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Only parts that stand out to me is the has_archive setting being false, which would also indicate to me that you’re potentially doing a custom WP_Query to iterate over some posts, including pagination?

    If you set the has archive to true, I believe WordPress should handle most everything for you when you go to https://mysite.com/unique-post-type/ and it’d use the archive.php template file etc, if your theme has one. It’d also likely kick in with working pagination as well.

    Thread Starter userperson


    Oops, I forgot to mention what post grid plugin I am using (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/post-grid/) I meant to post this thread in that plugin’s support forum.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by userperson.
    Thread Starter userperson


    I need to make my archive page unique without the archive.php file and with the post grid plugin.

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    For what it’s worth, you can duplicate archive.php and rename that copy to match your post type and have that template file be exclusive to the post type. However, the need for Post Grid as well sounds like it’s throwing a proverbial wrench in that being the best solution.

    That said, it sounds like your question is more for their support than ours, as we don’t have any direct integration with their plugin, and no setting to address it. The question I’d end up asking is what’s the query being made ultimately and why is that not finding more results.

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