• Resolved Bryce Jacobson


    I have a custom role setup that is a copy of the Editor role. This role is restricted to add/edit a custom post type of “Service” and custom categories under that.

    When switching to the user role type of “Service” I’m not able to use the YouTube embed block to embed a video. When pasting a YouTube url in the block the following error shows up “Sorry, this content could not be embedded.” These settings were all working a couple of weeks ago before the latest update to 1.9.10.

    I was able to get the embed working again by enabling Posts Edit Editing Capabilities. This isn’t ideal as we don’t want this user to have those options and again wasn’t a requirement before updating to 1.9.10.

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  • Plugin Author Kevin Behrens


    @drivenfaroff Are you also running the PublishPress Permissions plugin?

    Plugin Author Kevin Behrens


    The only change in PublishPress Capabilities 1.9.10 was to synchronize “Filtered Post Types” settings with PublishPress Permissions. See if your previous behavior is restored by disabling Permissions > Settings > Core > Filtered Post Types > [Your Post Type]. If you’re not running Permissions, is it possible that some other plugin was updated at the same time as Capabilities? Going back to at least January, I don’t see any other Capabilities plugin changes that could have that effect.

    Thread Starter Bryce Jacobson


    Hi Kevin,

    I’m not using PublishPress Permissions. Other plugins were updated at the same time via an automated process.

    I’ve tested on an old backup of the website using version 1.9 and the same issue was present then.

    I’ve also narrowed the plugins down to just Advanced Custom Fields, PublishPress Capabilities and User Switcher and tested with the same result. Also same result with using 2019 theme.

    Is there a specific setting I’m missing so that YouTube embeds show in the back end for this user type? The only way I can get them to show is by checking the “Posts > Edit” checkbox.

    Image of settings: https://www.dropbox.com/s/y9vekmj721d2z6e/wp-admin_admin.php_page%3Dcapsman%26role%3Dservice.png?dl=0

    Plugin Author Steve Burge


    Hi @drivenfaroff. Most times, we can help. Check the support threads here for evidence of that.

    Sorry, to the very best of our knowledge, this just isn’t caused by our plugin. Capabilities does not control access to embeds, and nothing about that changed with 1.9.10.

    That being said, we’re open to being wrong if a specific error is found.

    If you need us to do a deep debugging on your site, we do have a Pro membership service where our developers could see what’s going on (even if unrelated to our plugin).

    Plugin Author Kevin Behrens


    @drivenfaroff Lots of code, including parts of the WordPress core, imposes an ‘edit_posts’ capability requirement for seemingly unrelated operations.

    Capabilities itself does not impose the requirement, and stopping other code from requiring ‘edit_posts’ is outside the scope of this plugin’s functionality.

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