• Resolved eian00


    I am trying to make a list of authors that have the same age and live in the same city.

    The data about the city name and age is added on the users profile page using “Cimy User Extra Fields” plugin.

    A simple way of displaying this extra fields on a page is the following;

    <?php $value = get_cimyFieldValue($curauth->ID, 'AGE'); ?>
    <?php echo $value; ?>

    To filter posts that have two same custom fields values you can use;

    global $wpdb;
    global $post;
    $key1 = 'labos';
    $val1 = 'lpem';
    $key2 = 'zvanje';
    $val2 = 'Voditelj laboratorija';
    $querystr = "
    SELECT wposts.*
    FROM $wpdb->posts wposts, $wpdb->postmeta metacolor, $wpdb->postmeta metawgt
    WHERE wposts.ID = metacolor.post_id
    AND wposts.ID = metawgt.post_id
    AND (metacolor.meta_key = '$key1' AND metacolor.meta_value = '$val1')
    AND (metawgt.meta_key = '$key2' AND metawgt.meta_value = '$val2')
    AND wposts.post_type = 'post'
    AND wposts.post_status = 'publish'
    ORDER BY UPPER(wposts.post_title) ASC
    $pageposts = $wpdb->get_results($querystr, OBJECT); ?>  <?php if ($pageposts):
    <?php global $post; ?>
    <?php foreach ($pageposts as $post): ?>
    <?php setup_postdata($post); ?>
    <div class="post" id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>">
    <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title(); ?>">  <?php the_title(); ?></a>
    <?php endforeach; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    How can I now show some authors names that have two same values added by the “Cimy User Extra Fields” plugin in their profile page?

    Thank you

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  • The CIMY data you want is kept in two tables: $wpdb->cimy_uef_fields and $wpdb->cimy_uef_data.

    The query below shows how to select the age and city values for each user from these tables:

    SELECT user_login, display_name, cimy_age.VALUE as age, cimy_city.VALUE as city
    FROM wp_users
    JOIN wp_cimy_uef_fields cimy_fields1 ON cimy_fields1.NAME = 'CITY'
    JOIN wp_cimy_uef_fields cimy_fields2 ON cimy_fields2.NAME = 'AGE'
    JOIN wp_cimy_uef_data cimy_age ON
       (cimy_age.USER_ID = wp_users.ID AND cimy_age.FIELD_ID = cimy_fields2.ID)
    JOIN wp_cimy_uef_data cimy_city ON
       (cimy_city.USER_ID = wp_users.ID AND cimy_city.FIELD_ID = cimy_fields1.ID)
    Thread Starter eian00


    Thank you, I tried something now, but i think I am still far from the answer.

    I have tried now to display the names of the users that have the same city and age values, how should the syntax look like for this?

    I have tried something like;

    global $wpdb;
    global $userid;
    $querystr = "
    SELECT user_login, display_name, cimy_age.VALUE as age, cimy_city.VALUE as city
    FROM wp_users
    JOIN wp_cimy_uef_fields cimy_fields1 ON cimy_fields1.NAME = 'Madrid'
    JOIN wp_cimy_uef_fields cimy_fields2 ON cimy_fields2.NAME = '30'
    JOIN wp_cimy_uef_data cimy_age ON
       (cimy_age.USER_ID = wp_users.ID AND cimy_age.FIELD_ID = cimy_fields2.ID)
    JOIN wp_cimy_uef_data cimy_city ON
       (cimy_city.USER_ID = wp_users.ID AND cimy_city.FIELD_ID = cimy_fields1.ID)
    $authorset = $wpdb->get_results($querystr, OBJECT); 
    <?php if ($authorset): ?>
    <?php global $wpdb; ?>
    <?php foreach ($authorset as $userid){
    	$user_id       = (int) $userid->ID;
    	$display_name  = ($userid->display_name);
    	$return .= "\t" . '<li>'. $display_name .'</li>' . "\n";
    <?php endforeach; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    What is wrong with it? How to show the users surnames and names

    Not quite sure what you want, but you cannot use the actual values as keys in the _cimy_uef_fields table. You must use the Label for the value as the NAME, and the ‘VALUE’ column to select the actual value. So, the Label for the city column is ‘CITY’ and its ‘VALUE’ would be ‘Madrid’ (NAME = ‘CITY’, VALUE=’Madrid’).

    $querystr = "SELECT wp_users.ID, user_login, display_name, cimy_age.VALUE as age, cimy_city.VALUE as city
    FROM wp_users
    JOIN wp_cimy_uef_fields cimy_fields1 ON cimy_fields1.NAME = 'CITY'
    JOIN wp_cimy_uef_fields cimy_fields2 ON cimy_fields2.NAME = 'AGE'
    JOIN wp_cimy_uef_data cimy_age ON
       (cimy_age.USER_ID = wp_users.ID AND cimy_age.FIELD_ID = cimy_fields2.ID)
    JOIN wp_cimy_uef_data cimy_city ON
       (cimy_city.USER_ID = wp_users.ID AND cimy_city.FIELD_ID = cimy_fields1.ID)
    WHERE cimy_fields1.VALUE = 'Madrid'
       AND cimy_fields2.VALUE = 30";

    Once you get the user ID’s from this query, you can get the other cimy fields with code like this:

    <?php foreach ($authorset as $userid){
       $user_id       = (int) $userid->ID;
       $surname  = get_cimyFieldValue($userid, 'SURNAME');
       $return .= "\t" . '<li>'. $surname .'</li>
    ' . "\n";

    Thread Starter eian00


    What I have done is adding some extra information on the users profile page using “Cimy User Extra Fields” plugin.
    I added additional informations for all users about their town name and age.
    Now what I need is to list on a page all the user names that live in the same city and have the same age.

    Now i composed this

    global $wpdb;
    global $userid;
    $querystr = "SELECT wp_users.ID, user_login, display_name, cimy_age.VALUE as age, cimy_city.VALUE as city
    FROM wp_users
    JOIN wp_cimy_uef_fields cimy_fields1 ON cimy_fields1.NAME = 'LABORATORIJ'
    JOIN wp_cimy_uef_fields cimy_fields2 ON cimy_fields2.NAME = 'TITULA'
    JOIN wp_cimy_uef_data cimy_age ON
       (cimy_age.USER_ID = wp_users.ID AND cimy_age.FIELD_ID = cimy_fields2.ID)
    JOIN wp_cimy_uef_data cimy_city ON
       (cimy_city.USER_ID = wp_users.ID AND cimy_city.FIELD_ID = cimy_fields1.ID)
    WHERE cimy_fields1.VALUE = 'ATS'
       AND cimy_fields2.VALUE = dr.sc.";
    $authorset = $wpdb->get_results($querystr, OBJECT); 
    <?php if ($authorset): ?>
    <?php global $wpdb; ?>
    <?php foreach ($authorset as $userid){
       $user_id       = (int) $userid->ID;
       $surname  = get_cimyFieldValue($userid, 'SURNAME');
       $return .= "\t" . '<li>'. $surname .'</li>
    ' . "\n";
    <?php endforeach; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    It shows some syntax errors around the line containing “print($return);”

    Do you think this is the correct code for what i need?

    I need to know the cimy field names for all the fields that you want to select and display.

    For example, what is the cimy field name for the field that contains the city name? Is it ‘CITY’, or something else?

    I can’t correct your code until I know all the cimy field names.

    And, please explain what is in the fields ‘LABORATORIJ’, and ‘TITULA’

    Thread Starter eian00


    Pardon me,
    I pasted the code containing wrong fields, LABORATORIJ and TITULA.
    Instead of them I had to use CITY and AGE as I corrected in the code below.

    global $wpdb;
    global $userid;
    $querystr = "SELECT wp_users.ID, user_login, display_name, cimy_age.VALUE as age, cimy_city.VALUE as city
    FROM wp_users
    JOIN wp_cimy_uef_fields cimy_fields1 ON cimy_fields1.NAME = 'CITY'
    JOIN wp_cimy_uef_fields cimy_fields2 ON cimy_fields2.NAME = 'AGE'
    JOIN wp_cimy_uef_data cimy_age ON
       (cimy_age.USER_ID = wp_users.ID AND cimy_age.FIELD_ID = cimy_fields2.ID)
    JOIN wp_cimy_uef_data cimy_city ON
       (cimy_city.USER_ID = wp_users.ID AND cimy_city.FIELD_ID = cimy_fields1.ID)
    WHERE cimy_fields1.VALUE = 'Madrid'
       AND cimy_fields2.VALUE = 30";
    $authorset = $wpdb->get_results($querystr, OBJECT); 
    <?php if ($authorset): ?>
    <?php global $wpdb; ?>
    <?php foreach ($authorset as $userid){
       $user_id       = (int) $userid->ID;
       $surname  = get_cimyFieldValue($userid, 'SURNAME');
       $return .= "\t" . '<li>'. $surname .'</li>
    ' . "\n";
    <?php endforeach; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    So the exact cimy fields are: CITY and AGE

    Try removing this line:

    <?php endforeach; ?>

    Thread Starter eian00


    Yes the cimy field name for the field that contains the city name is CITY, and for the age is AGE.

    In the example you didn’t undarstend I used some other existing cimy fields, to get the list of users based on the laboratory name (cimy field LABORATORIJ) and college title (cimy field TITULA)

    If I made too much confusion you can show me an example using some fake cimy fields names, I will undarstend, and then insert some mine.

    Thread Starter eian00


    i removed
    <?php endforeach; ?> and there is no rerror anymore, but there is also nothing showing on the page. The cimy field names and values are correct.
    Can it be maybe something wrong with the second part;

    <?php if ($authorset): ?>
    <?php global $wpdb; ?>
    <?php foreach ($authorset as $userid){
       $user_id       = (int) $userid->ID;
       $surname  = get_cimyFieldValue($userid, 'SURNAME');
       $return .= "\t" . '<li>'. $surname .'</li>
    ' . "\n";
    <?php endif; ?>

    Thank you for helping

    Is the name of the cimy field for the surname actually ‘SURNAME’?

    As I said before, I need to know all the cimy field names.

    Thread Starter eian00


    Ow sorry, for surname I mean the value that stays in the “Last name” field in the Profiles page, so it is not under cimy.

    So I have under cimy fields: CITY, AGE
    From the original wordpress profile page: name, surname.

    The final print if user exists would show the users name, surname and next to it his city and age.

    Replace this:

    <?php foreach ($authorset as $userid){
       $user_id       = (int) $userid->ID;
       $surname  = get_cimyFieldValue($userid, 'SURNAME');
       $return .= "\t" . '<li>'. $surname .'</li>
    ' . "\n";

    with this:

    echo '<ul>';
    foreach ($authorset as $userid){
      $return = '';
      $user_id       = (int) $userid->ID;
      $user_data = get_userdata($user_id);
      $return .= "\t" . "<li>$user_data->first_name $user_data->last_name  $userid->age $user_id->city</li>" . "\n";
    echo '</ul>';
    Thread Starter eian00


    No results, blank page, can you show me a simple example then, only how to show all the users having the same cimy field, let’s say HEIGHT is 190.

    Just to see if it gets correctly the cimy data

    First, lets try some debugging. Add a line to dump out $authorset and see what it shows:

    $authorset = $wpdb->get_results($querystr, OBJECT);
    print_r('<p>AUTHORSET: ');print_r($authorset);print_r('</p>');

    Can you post a link to your site so I can see the output? If not, please copy and paste it here.

    Thread Starter eian00


    No, sorry, now it worked at the end, I had to change the order of the cimy fields of CITY and AGE to position #1 and #2

    It just shows some wrong results.

    I will let you know when I find out what is wrong.

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