• Resolved eian00


    I am trying to make a list of authors that have the same age and live in the same city.

    The data about the city name and age is added on the users profile page using “Cimy User Extra Fields” plugin.

    A simple way of displaying this extra fields on a page is the following;

    <?php $value = get_cimyFieldValue($curauth->ID, 'AGE'); ?>
    <?php echo $value; ?>

    To filter posts that have two same custom fields values you can use;

    global $wpdb;
    global $post;
    $key1 = 'labos';
    $val1 = 'lpem';
    $key2 = 'zvanje';
    $val2 = 'Voditelj laboratorija';
    $querystr = "
    SELECT wposts.*
    FROM $wpdb->posts wposts, $wpdb->postmeta metacolor, $wpdb->postmeta metawgt
    WHERE wposts.ID = metacolor.post_id
    AND wposts.ID = metawgt.post_id
    AND (metacolor.meta_key = '$key1' AND metacolor.meta_value = '$val1')
    AND (metawgt.meta_key = '$key2' AND metawgt.meta_value = '$val2')
    AND wposts.post_type = 'post'
    AND wposts.post_status = 'publish'
    ORDER BY UPPER(wposts.post_title) ASC
    $pageposts = $wpdb->get_results($querystr, OBJECT); ?>  <?php if ($pageposts):
    <?php global $post; ?>
    <?php foreach ($pageposts as $post): ?>
    <?php setup_postdata($post); ?>
    <div class="post" id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>">
    <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title(); ?>">  <?php the_title(); ?></a>
    <?php endforeach; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    How can I now show some authors names that have two same values added by the “Cimy User Extra Fields” plugin in their profile page?

    Thank you

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  • Thread Starter eian00


    Ok, so something strange is happening.

    The only way I get some results is when in the AGE field I set up a default value that will be applied automatically to all users; for example ’55’. The same for the field CITY example ‘Madrid’.

    now when the code matches the values Madrid and 55 like in the code below;

    global $wpdb;
    global $userid;
    $querystr = "SELECT wp_users.ID, user_login, display_name, cimy_age.VALUE as age, cimy_city.VALUE as city
    FROM wp_users
    JOIN wp_cimy_uef_fields cimy_fields1 ON cimy_fields1.NAME = 'CITY'
    JOIN wp_cimy_uef_fields cimy_fields2 ON cimy_fields2.NAME = 'AGE'
    JOIN wp_cimy_uef_data cimy_age ON
       (cimy_age.USER_ID = wp_users.ID AND cimy_age.FIELD_ID = cimy_fields2.ID)
    JOIN wp_cimy_uef_data cimy_city ON
       (cimy_city.USER_ID = wp_users.ID AND cimy_city.FIELD_ID = cimy_fields1.ID)
    WHERE cimy_fields1.VALUE = 'Madrid'
       AND cimy_fields2.VALUE = '55'";
    $authorset = $wpdb->get_results($querystr, OBJECT); 
    <?php if ($authorset): ?>
    <?php global $wpdb; ?>
    echo '<ul>';
    foreach ($authorset as $userid){
      $return = '';
      $user_id       = (int) $userid->ID;
      $user_data = get_userdata($user_id);
      $return .= "\t" . "<li>$user_data->first_name $user_data->last_name  $userid->age $user_id->city</li>" . "\n";
    echo '</ul>';
    <?php endif; ?>

    I don’t get still any results.
    But from the moment I go manually change in a profile page the city or age, i get displayed the users name, surname, age (no city is displayed) of the modified profiles.

    There is no result in any other way

    What is wrong?

    Thread Starter eian00


    when I am saying putting default values to fields, I mean putting them in in the values fields on the Cimy User Extra Fields options page.

    The code worked in my test site. There is no way to tell what is going on without an admin login to your site, and phpMyAdmin access to examine the tables in the database.

    If you are willing to give me that access, email me at mac =at= mcdspot =dot= com.

    Thread Starter eian00


    ok, I sent you a mail

    Thanks. I will look at it now.

    Thread Starter eian00


    Thank you vtxyzzy

    Here is the solution on how to pull out user name, last name, and some cimy fields based on the cimy fields values:

    global $wpdb;
    global $userid;
    $querystr = "SELECT $wpdb->users.ID,display_name,cimy_city.VALUE as city, cimy_age.VALUE as age
    FROM $wpdb->users, {$wpdb->prefix}cimy_uef_data cimy_city, {$wpdb->prefix}cimy_uef_fields cimy_fields1,
       {$wpdb->prefix}cimy_uef_data cimy_age, {$wpdb->prefix}cimy_uef_fields cimy_fields2
    WHERE $wpdb->users.ID = cimy_city.USER_ID
       AND $wpdb->users.ID = cimy_age.USER_ID
       AND cimy_city.FIELD_ID = cimy_fields1.ID
       AND cimy_fields1.NAME ='CITY'
       AND cimy_age.FIELD_ID = cimy_fields2.ID
       AND cimy_fields2.NAME ='AGE'
       AND cimy_city.VALUE = 'Madrid'
       AND cimy_age.VALUE = 55";
    $authorset = $wpdb->get_results($querystr, OBJECT); 
    if ($authorset):
       global $wpdb;
       echo '<ul>';
       foreach ($authorset as $userid){
          $user_id       = (int) $userid->ID;
          $userdata = get_userdata($user_id);
          $user_fullname = $userdata->last_name . ', ' . $userdata->first_name;
          $user_url = add_query_arg('author',$user_id, get_bloginfo('url'));
          $user_link = "<a href='$user_url' alt='Link To Author $user_id' >$user_fullname</a>";
          $return = "\t" . "<li>$user_link $userid->age $userid->city</li>" . "\n";
       echo '</ul>';
    endif; ?>

    Glad it is working!

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