Custom spam bot protection?
1. Create a new field with field key ‘question_answer’
2. In the field settings, choose “Custom Validation” in the “Validate” option.
3. It will show the “Custom Action” – Enter the key ‘question_answer’ in that field.
4. Add the following code in your theme’s functions.php file or use the Code Snippets plugin:function um_custom_validate_question_answer( $key, $array, $args ) { if ( isset( $args[$key] ) && $args[$key] != 'IM HUMAN' ) { UM()->form()->add_error( $key, __( 'Please enter valid Answer.', 'ultimate-member' ) ); } } add_action( 'um_custom_field_validation_question_answer', 'um_custom_validate_question_answer', 30, 3 );
5. Once you’ve added the PHP code, go to the Register page and try entering the answer IM HUMAN.
My question about this is:
Which box to chose –
Textarea, textbox? And should i use the bracers with ‘question_answer’ or without them when i insert? Thanks.
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