With it is still broken. I want to use different kinds of NextGen galleries on the same page and want to customize the CSS. For instance I want to use the singlepic shortcode and afterwards (on the same page) the nggallery shortcode. I want to customize the styling of the nggallery navigation with this CSS:
.ngg-navigation a.page-numbers:hover,
.ngg-navigation a.next:hover,
.ngg-navigation a.prev:hover,
.ngg-navigation span.page-numbers:hover,
.ngg-navigation span.next:hover,
.ngg-navigation span.prev:hover {
background-color: #006C36;
I place the CSS in the file wp-content/ngg_styles/nggallery.css and enable these customizations in the NextGen settings.
Looking at the generated HTML code, I can see nggallery.css being loaded. But it is not loaded after all other NextGen CSS files. Instead it is loaded right after the first one.
So NextGen loads nextgen_basic_singlepic.css (because of the singlepic shortcode), then my custom nggallery.css, then some other CSS files, including nextgen_pagination/static/style.css which overrides my customizations.
Of course I could mark my custom CSS definitions as !important, but I would not consider it a good solution (and as far as I remember I already tried it and ran into some new problems that I could not solve).
So best would be if custom styles would always be loaded after the last default CSS file of NextGen Gallery. This already is the case if you use only one kind of gallery per page. But as soon as you use more than one, problems arise.