• Resolved marcelobm


    Hi everyone, I’m working on this website and I’m running into some issues with custom taxonomies and posts, the thing is that in the local host everything appear where expected but online suddenly the custom taxonomies doesn’t appear in the custom menus to add it as a menu item, this is the taxonomy definition I’m using on the function.php on my template

    register_taxonomy(	'Page Category',
    							'hierarchical' => true,
    										'name'				=>__('Page Categories'),
    										'singular_name'		=>__('Page Category'),
    										'search_items'		=>__('Search Page Categories'),
    										'popular_items'		=>__('Popular Page Categories'),
    										'all_items'			=>__('All Page Categories'),
    										'parent_item' 		=>__( 'Parent Page Category' ),
    										'parent_item_colon' =>__( 'Parent Page Category:' ),
    										'edit_item' 		=>__( 'Edit Page Category' ),
    										'update_item' 		=>__( 'Update Page Category' ),
    										'add_new_item' 		=>__( 'Add New Page Category' ),
    										'new_item_name' 	=>__( 'New Page Category Name' ),
    							'rewrite' => array( 'slug' => 'page_categories', 'with_front' => false ),
    							'show_ui' => true,

    I really appreciate if anyone can help me with this issue. thanks in advance

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    Hey everyone thank for your replies, I finally found the problem, it was the taxonomy name, apparently when you create a taxonomy that in the name there is a space, it generates the problem I was having, I took out the space and replace it with an underscore and now works prefect.

    That makes perfect sense and i totally failed to catch that before, yes the name most certainly shouldn’t have spaces, although using the labels you can have the taxonomy name shown with a space (which is how i have my page category setup)..

    Glad to hear it’s all fixed… ??

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