• demmm


    I have:
    Custom taxonomy: “City”
    Custom Post type: “Lodge”
    Custom Post Type: “Restaurant”

    I registered the “City” Taxonomy using this:

    register_taxonomy( ‘city’, array(‘lodge’,’restaurant’), $args );

    I don’t know why when i want to see “Newyork” archives (which is a “City taxonoym term”) the URL changes to “mydomain.com/lodge/city/newyork”. And if a reorder the values of the array of the “register_taxonomy” to (‘restaurant’,’lodge’) the URL changes to “mydomain.com/restaurant/city/newyork” .

    How can i modify the URL to “mydomain.com/city/newyork/” ? So if i want to see the “Lodge archives” then the URL changes to “mydomain.com/city/newyork/Lodge/”

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