• jgpippin


    This is a weird sitch, so bear with me…

    I want to use WordPress’ static pages to develop an educational institution’s website, a fairly large one. The pages would be the primary aspect of the website; the posts would just serve to present press releases and site news.

    The website currently has eight “sections” with about four or five “chapters” each. I need to keep this structure.

    So this is what I want to have happen… please let me know if it’s possible.

    I’ll have eight parent pages, one for each section header. The chapters will be pages listed under one of the eight parents.

    When the user is looking at a specific section, (i.e. “Academics”), I want only the chapters from that section to be listed in the sidebar. In other words, I want only the pages under that parent page to be listed.

    Right now, the “Pages” part of the sidebar lists all of the pages in hierarchy. For our page, that would be a list some 200 pages long – fine for a site map, but hellacious for average navigation.

    Is there a way to have just the pages under a specific parent page show up? I’m willing to make custom sidebars for each parent page, but I need the sub-pages to update their own links.

    Convoluted? I know.

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  • Lobo


    Your project sound more or less what Im trying to do but until now Im lost with my project only for create Static pages on my website I waint until this last version of WP and there is not much info about this topic anyway here is something that could help you:

    static pages:

    I hope on the fure we can see more about linking to static pages (absolut/relative), static pages creation and wich is the best image gallery mod/plug in for WP all this is very blurry to me.

    Thread Starter jgpippin


    I’m on a roll here, if I can just figure out the rest…

    There is a child_of argument in the codex that will allow you to limit the pages listed to those that are children of a specific parent.

    Now, finding a way to either a) get the code to recognize which parent I’m looking at and show only its children or b) create custom sidebars for each section… that’s what’s next.

    I really got to learn php.

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