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  • ‘post_author’ is available in Custom Upload Dir 2.5

    Would you be willing to add the ability to create a path with the ancestors? For usage like a CMS. Page A, parent to B, parent to C would end up with wp-content/uploads/a/b/c with %post_title% or perhaps a new tag %post_path% or the like.

    Perhaps different methods for pages vs posts?

    That is a great idea! I’ll definitely look into it for the next version.

    Thanks. I hacked together the ancestor path but it looks like those aren’t consistently saved. At one point it worked as unpublished and other times not. It always worked in preview though. Perhaps its something I’m missing.

    Feel free to send me your code when you get it working reliably. ??
    (ulf a/t ulfben d/o/t com)

    As wwwalker suggested, I’d love to be able to use variables in the path at the top – so I can have “fixed strings” interspersed with the variables (the way it is now, variables can only come after user-defined text).

    For example, currently, you can have paths like:


    I’d like to achieve paths like:


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