• Resolved Alvi Syahrin



    Two days ago, the custom URL worked fine. I also disabled the wp-login.php page. But now things go different.

    First, when I try myweb.com/wp-login.php, instead of showing the “Page Not Found”, it gives me vital information:

    “Warning: include(/home/XXXX/public_html/wp-content/themes/THEMENAME/404.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/XXX/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-cerber/wp-cerber.php on line XXX”

    Second, I have set the custom URL to login, let say, “loginlogin”. Two days ago, it worked fine.

    But now when I try “myweb.com/loginlogin”, it lead me to the “Page Not Found”, unable me to login.

    Please, how can I solve this.


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  • Thread Starter Alvi Syahrin


    Oddly enough, when I clicked the custom URL that was sent into my mail, the login page works.

    However, I wish that warning written which shown when we try the myweb.com/wp-login.php, didn’t show anymore.

    Plugin Author gioni


    Probably, you had installed some new plugin or activated new theme? Only that can lead to such weird behavior. To access to the login page try to use: yoursite.com/login/
    If that doesn’t help you need manually remove plugin’s folder to disable it.

    About warning.
    First of all, you need disable showing PHP error messages on a production site. That means you have to use something like that:

    define('WP_DEBUG', false);

    And second, of course I’ll fix code with next release to avoid that warning.

    Thread Starter Alvi Syahrin


    Hi, Gioni. Thanks for the answer.

    As I remember, WP Cerber is the last plugin I installed, and I didn’t install any new theme–WP Cerber is the last thing I installed on my dashboard.

    I have tried mysite.com/login/, and it worked–specifically, it directed me to mysite.com/mycustomURLforMyLoginPage, however, what’s the use of hiding our login page if others can still access our login page by accessing to /login/? Maybe, you can work for this, too?

    Well, I don’t understand code thingy, so I’m gonna wait for the next update. Thank you so much!

    Plugin Author gioni


    Accessing default login page via login slug is all about WordPress. I’ll add protection against that behavior of WordPress with next release. It will be ready next week.

    Plugin Author gioni


    Hi, Alvi Syahrin!
    I’ve fixed last oddity with redirecting from login to the login page and admin, dashboard to the wp-admin. Please, reinstall plugin to get it work.

    Thread Starter Alvi Syahrin


    Will do. Thank you!

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