How are things moving along?
If it is in testing, can you maybe send the patch for this issue so we can apply it manually until the next update is released?
Or if we can get a pre-release build, send that?
We don’t need a full new version with a set of new features, we need a patch that fixes broken functionality.
It has been over two months and I have multiple clients that are really unhappy with us a company. We as a result are VERY unhappy with the way we’re being stringed along by you (as a company).
Bugs are not always straight forward and if they’re low in the virtual card house it can have bigger consequences than we can see on the outside. I get that, we’re developers too. But with the time it takes WPMU DEV to work out a bug makes me feel it is very low on the priority list.
I’m free to choose to either use your free-to-use product or not, I get that too. Many companies publish plugins for free to get the trust of their users so they eventually become paying customers. Not sure if this is something WPMU DEV is all about, but it does not feel like it from this side of the fence.
We’re an agency that manages 200+ websites where many have scattered plugins like GravityForms and Yoast (SEO) and were hoping to eventually migrate them all over to many of the WPMU DEV plugins to have more of a singular style.
At first we were very enthusiastic about what we saw and were about to become a WPMU DEV member. But as you can imagine we don’t want to take the risk that if one of your plugins has a bug, we a company will suffer for months and potentially lose face with our own clients because of something we have apparently zero control over (except for migrating away from WPMU DEV plugins).
I hope you understand where we (as clients) are coming from and truly hope for bug fix soon.