• We’re hoping to use the WP_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE setup to only allow some scripts in our staging environment.
    The issue is we use different terms for our production environments since we cross over from WP to other platforms.

    So if our staging environment has ‘stage’ as the environment name, the WP_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE doesn’t register that as an option.

    We don’t really want to change our naming system, so is there a way to set a custom environment name in the wp-config with the “define(“WP_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE”, ‘OURNAME’);” option?

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    The only valid values are ‘local’, ‘development’, ‘staging’, and ‘production’. You cannot add others. If you must use a different value, I suggest creating your own constant for the purpose and conditionally enqueue certain scripts based on if it’s defined and possibly what value is assigned.

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