• I’m working with two WP aspects that are new to me: WP List Table and custom bulk actions.

    I’m building a small plugin for a Woocommerce installation that includes a custom WP_Lists_Table. I added a couple custom bulk actions. Executing a bulk action does nothing at all. I put error_log messages in the bulk action handler function for debugging, but nothing. The actions are listed in the drop-down bulk actions menu.

    I took the bulk actions code from my plugin, modified for the default WP edit post screen, and it works as expected there, returning the error log messages and the admin notice.

    Not sure if it has to do with the screen id, which is woocommerce_page_tkwd-wc-my-plugin.

    Or maybe it’s my implementation of the list table.

    The URL on initial page load:

    After bulk actions Apply with two records selected (slashes are encoded):

    The action value and record IDs are passed to the URL, but that’s all.

    It’s seems the handler function just isn’t firing.

    Bulk actions code:

    WP List Table code:

    WP List Table relevant markup:

    Any help or suggestions greatly appreciated!

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  • Hey tjkwebdev,

    I’m not sure if this is the root cause of your problem but it looks like you are missing an argument when assigning your column_headers property. In WordPress 4.3 they added a fourth value.

    The fourth value is a string defining which column is deemed to be the primary one, displaying the row’s actions (edit, view, etc). The value should match that of one of your column slugs in the first value.


    Hope this helps!


    Thread Starter tjkwebdev


    Hi Frank,

    Thanks for the suggestion but I still get the same (non)result.

    By the way, that line of code now reads:

    $this->_column_headers = array( $columns, $hidden, $sortable, 'user_login' );

    Still trying to figure this out….

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by tjkwebdev.
    Moderator bcworkz


    It seems to me there is an issue with screen ID. The normal posts list table screen ID should be simply “edit-{$post->post_type}”, but you are using a custom extension of a custom extension, so it could be all different. You’d need to find out where the “bulk_actions-{$screen->id}” action is actually done (with do_action()), then slip in a temporary error_log() to find out the actual ID for your screen.

    Thread Starter tjkwebdev


    How would I do this?

    get_current_screen( id ) returns woocommerce_page_tkwd-wc-my-plugin so are you saying add a temporary error_log() to the do_action() function? And if so, what would I log that would tell me what screen id do_action() is acting on?

    Also, at one point I changed the plugin from being a submenu of Woocommerce to a WP top level menu item (thinking that being a submenu page of an extension was the issue). Then the screen id was toplevel_page_tkwd-wc-my-plugin and I got the same (non)result.

    Off to work soon, may not be able to respond for while….


    Moderator bcworkz


    Because of the use of custom list table extensions, I wouldn’t trust get_current_screen( id ) results. The only reliable way to determine the ID used is to extract it from where it is actually used to fire the action.

    Somewhere in the list table class or one of its parents is the do_action() call that uses the “bulk_actions-{$screen->id}” dynamic tag. You would need to find it. It could be using a variable besides $screen, but the principle is the same. Temporarily add an error_log() call just before this that outputs the screen ID.

    Upload the altered file, then open your list table screen so the code executes. Then check your error log for the resulting value that is actually used to fire the action. Once you have what you need, restore the code to the way it was.

    Thread Starter tjkwebdev


    Thanks, I gave it a try, but no difference, or maybe I put the error_log() in the wrong place.

    I searched for but found no do_action() in the class. I did find this (around line 430) and added error_log( $this->screen->id ) just before it:

    $this->_actions = apply_filters( "bulk_actions-{$this->screen->id}", $this->_actions );

    The screen id is same as I was getting before, woocommerce_page_tkwd-wc-my-plugin.

    Moderator bcworkz


    Good work! It failed to occur to me that a class would have its own equivalent method of do_action(). You found the right spot, so we’ve determined for sure you have the right ID. Doesn’t explain what’s wrong, but eliminating something from suspicion is meaningful.

    Your code looks like it should work, there’s not that much to it to go wrong. Because I don’t have those plugins, I’m unable to fully test your code as confirmation. What I did do is change the hooks to fire on a normal users screen. That I can test.

    A couple discrepancies cropped up. This line:
    $redirect_to = add_query_arg( 'bulk_visibility', count( $user_ids ), $redirect_to );
    Change $user_ids to $users.

    For some reason adding a query arg to the redirect URL caused a headers already sent warning. I commented out the entire line so that I could test further. After those changes, everything worked as expected on regular users edit screen hooks. All the applicable error_log() calls in visibility_bulk_action_handler() logged reasonable data.

    Try commenting out that one line and see if you can then error log data. If you can, then you know that you can proceed with further development. At some point the issue with adding redirect query args will need to be addressed.

    If you still cannot error log data, there is something strange about how these custom list table classes add actions. It would be worth examining the _actions() method’s source code to confirm actions are added the way we expect.

    Thread Starter tjkwebdev


    I changed $user_ids to $users – thanks for catching that. Tried again after that change and also after commenting out the $redirect_to line, but unfortunately neither worked. Still no error_log() messages.

    I used has_filter() to confirm that both filters are actually added. So yes, I’m back to thinking it has something to do with the custom list table not firing the bulk action handler function. May have to just roll my own, which is not ideal.

    Moderator bcworkz


    Well, if there’s a bug in what ever is supposed to fire bulk actions, you only need to override that one method in an extended class. You could probably copy the entire method and then simply patch the errant code. It’s the only “clean” way to correct an errant class that you still need to use.

    Of course, you still need to find where that happens, if it even happens. You’ve found where the hook tags are accumulated into $this->_actions, but not where the actions are actually fired. Normally with do_action(), but one could go lower level and use call_user_func_array() directly.

    Thread Starter tjkwebdev


    Thanks for your help on this. I’ll just have to keep digging and write my own handler method.

    Moderator bcworkz


    You’re welcome. Best of luck in your search.

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