• Cees van Dongen


    The shortcode custom_gallery supports the taxonomy for all sorts of post_types but not for the attachments.
    Situation: Added custom taxonomy on Media, organized the media in categories.
    When selecting the taxonomy and taxonomy-entry-id’s in the shortcode settings of custom_gallery the result is:
    [su_custom_gallery source=”taxonomy: category_media/270,268″ limit=”34″ link=”lightbox” width=”350″ height=”250″]
    This results in no output.
    To make it work I have modified tools.php (starting at line 711 …)
    the //cvd marks are new /or modified
    $query[‘tax_query’] = array(
    ‘taxonomy’ => $args[‘source’][‘val’][0],
    field’ => ‘id’,
    ‘terms’ => (array) explode( ‘,’, $args[‘source’][‘val’][1] ),
    ‘operator’ => ‘AND’ //cvd
    $query[‘post_type’] = ‘any’;
    $query[‘post_status’] = ‘any’; //cvd

    $thumb = ( $args[‘source’][‘type’] === ‘media’ || $post->post_type === ‘attachment’ ) ? //cvd
    The operator AND is clearly something you would like to define while building the shortcode.

    Could you please see if this can be made part of a next release.



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