• Hello,

    After recent updates, the page has stopped working, I can now do two variants: A) it displays properly but no buttons are home, shop etc or B) I lose colors and settings C. CSS but Www works. In my opinion, the problem is that WP + Virtue does not properly accept custome CSS data, and after changing the code and after validating the changes in the cockpit (the message appears in the green box), all CSS custome disappears and no change is possible. (page: mojesoczewki.pro) Yesterday I sacrificed 15h for different backup variants, unfortunately I fell and without support I will not win.

    Please help or guide to solve the problem


    ps. writes from Poland, the original text: (by? mo?e s? tu u?ytkownicy tego szablonu z naszego kraju) Otó?, mam problem z szablonem Virtue i prawdopodobnie sekcj? custome CSS, po ostatnich aktualizacjach, strona przesta?a dzia?a?, obecnie mog? zrobi? dwa warianty: A) web wy?wietla si? poprawnie ale nie dzia?aj? guziki typu home, sklep itp. albo B) trac? kolory i ustawienia C. CSS ale www dzia?a. Moim zdaniem problem to WP + Virtue nie przyjmuje poprawnie danych custome CSS a po zmianie kodu i po poprawnym zatwierdzeniu zmian w kokpicie (wy?wietla si? komunikat na zielonym polu), ca?y custome CSS znika i nie s? mo?liwe ?adne zmiany. wczoraj po?wieci?em 15h na ró?ne warianty z backupami, niestety poleg?em i bez wsparcia tego nie wygram. Prosz? o pomoc lub naprowadzenie na rozwi?zanie problemu, pozdrawiam.

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  • hannah


    Hi infinnitywaves,
    What css are you adding and where are you adding it? Have you tried deactivating your plugins? I would recommend doing so one by one to test if any are conflicting. Let me know if there’s no change.


    Thread Starter Infinitywaves


    Hi hannah,

    Of course, I tried everything. Custome CSS added in WP …/theme options/advance … </> Can not see here the option of attachments, You want me to paste directly here all c.css? It’s a little bit.


    I’m able to view your CSS and it looks like you’ve got a lot of !important tags and other things that are a bit too general and may have unintended consequences on your site.

    It’s possible that with the update, some of the selectors have changed. Without notes, it’s difficult to know what exactly each bit of CSS on your site’s intended usage was.

    I’ll send this thread onto the theme developer so that he can provide some input.


    Also, it wasn’t very clear in your previous post, but did you try deactivating all of your active plugins one by one, viewing the issue with each plugin turned off individually?

    This is a good way to determine whether or not the issue is caused by a certain plugin, which often times is the case.


    Do you have an example of how this is supposed to look?

    One of the main issues I see on your page has to do with a “fontResizer” plugin.

    You seem to be adding this css:

    .fontResizer {
        right: 1% !important;
        top: 5% !important;

    Which directly conflicts with the css the plugin is adding:

    .fontResizer {
        position: fixed;
        left: 1%;
        bottom: 1%;
        visibility: visible;
        z-index: 9999;

    Causing the div that contains your font resizer to cover the entire page and thus makes every button inside the page unclickable.

    So I’m going to suggest you update your css to this:

    .fontResizer {
    right: 1% !important;
    top: 5% !important;
    left: auto !important;
    bottom:auto !important;

    Or just remove your css.

    Kadence Themes

    Thread Starter Infinitywaves


    Hi Kevin,


    So I have quite a lot of overwrites with the “important!” Options. This is the only way not to interfere with the original code.

    So i noticed that the new update has changed the “selectors”

    Perhaps I did not explain this clearly, now the SQL file does not accept any changes. SQL is corrupt and anything typed (after being in WP) is not added to the file.


    Thread Starter Infinitywaves



    (I use a translator, it’s definitely a bad method for conversations).

    After all the plugins off, still not working properly.


    Thread Starter Infinitywaves


    Access to custom css is only possible through phpMyAdmin. At the moment do not see the custome css code in the Theme options/… although it works and that is the main problem, not the corrections and the confts. I do not know if you understand what he is trying to convey?

    Thread Starter Infinitywaves


    During the Virtue aotoupdate there was a flaw that caused the whole SQL corruption. Now I can not edit it. This causes a whole cascade of further errors.

    The main page and subpages are working, but I have to trigger everything manually from WP


    (At this point not seeing a quick solution builds this site from the beginning, it is true that only 32 products but in 1320 variants. ..@#$%^&* heh)

    Answer the request, below the whole custome CSS (virtue is a great template but lacks a lot of options in it): https://serwer1774039.home.pl/PUB/Quick_CSS_4_002b.rar


    Thread Starter Infinitywaves


    ps. Thank you all dedicated time for your help

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Infinitywaves.
    Thread Starter Infinitywaves


    Some additional information:

    1. full site was 100% valid in the middle of the year (including plugins).

    2. problem occurred with recent updates.

    3. at this address is the working version of v2 (it works from the beginning until the second day so there is not much) without custome CSS https://serwer1774039.home.pl/autoinstalator/wordpress1/

    4. If my old custome CSS requires correction then it would be fantastic to receive help from you, it will speed up the resume of the site.


    Thread Starter Infinitywaves


    ps. Is there a list of “selectors” changed?




    Sorry, I’m not sure I’m following. Could you please explain your current issue, or are things now working?

    There isn’t a list of selectors, but you can use the chrome inspect tool. https://www.kadencethemes.com/chrome-inspect-tool/


    Thread Starter Infinitywaves


    Hi hannah

    But what works? The web v1 after the updates is not usable.
    As I wrote, SQL was corrupted by the Virtue update.
    Nowadays, for this reason I have to build a whole web v2 from the beginning

    This is not a comparison of old “classes”(selectors?) with new “classes” only tutorial how to use the browser – I wanted to change to fast in my custome css what changed in Vitrue (wrote about this user: Kavin)


    Thread Starter Infinitywaves


    Related statements: Theme Author Kadence Themes (@britner)

    ad. “.fontResizer { …” It worked earlier and works now correctly. This is a part of the plugin and not my css.


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