• Hello,

    After recent updates, the page has stopped working, I can now do two variants: A) it displays properly but no buttons are home, shop etc or B) I lose colors and settings C. CSS but Www works. In my opinion, the problem is that WP + Virtue does not properly accept custome CSS data, and after changing the code and after validating the changes in the cockpit (the message appears in the green box), all CSS custome disappears and no change is possible. (page: mojesoczewki.pro) Yesterday I sacrificed 15h for different backup variants, unfortunately I fell and without support I will not win.

    Please help or guide to solve the problem


    ps. writes from Poland, the original text: (by? mo?e s? tu u?ytkownicy tego szablonu z naszego kraju) Otó?, mam problem z szablonem Virtue i prawdopodobnie sekcj? custome CSS, po ostatnich aktualizacjach, strona przesta?a dzia?a?, obecnie mog? zrobi? dwa warianty: A) web wy?wietla si? poprawnie ale nie dzia?aj? guziki typu home, sklep itp. albo B) trac? kolory i ustawienia C. CSS ale www dzia?a. Moim zdaniem problem to WP + Virtue nie przyjmuje poprawnie danych custome CSS a po zmianie kodu i po poprawnym zatwierdzeniu zmian w kokpicie (wy?wietla si? komunikat na zielonym polu), ca?y custome CSS znika i nie s? mo?liwe ?adne zmiany. wczoraj po?wieci?em 15h na ró?ne warianty z backupami, niestety poleg?em i bez wsparcia tego nie wygram. Prosz? o pomoc lub naprowadzenie na rozwi?zanie problemu, pozdrawiam.

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  • Hey @infinnitywaves

    Before you look at anything else or do anything else I encourage you to please take what I wrote seriously. Until that is fixed nothing on your site will work.

    You have this css being added to the site:

    .fontResizer {
        right: 1% !important;
        top: 5% !important;

    It’s not coming from the theme and it’s not coming from the plugin. It’s added to a custom css box. If you can remove that. Or just remove the plugin that is adding the font resizer then all of the buttons on your site would work again.

    Please write back here when you have that font resizer fixed any your site’s menu works again.

    Kadence Themes

    Thread Starter Infinitywaves


    Maybe I did not write this unanimously.

    Web v1 has corrupted SQL even if i would improve on that anything WP and Virtue would not be able to edit further.

    – waiting for suggestions in the meantime, I’ve created all over the web v2 (this is the same as v1 but it works fine)

    Your suggestion is correct, ie it works after the correction you suggested.

    Now new website v2 www: https://mojesoczewki.pro/ is already running although still not complete (but I came back to the game)


    Thread Starter Infinitywaves


    ps. One small question, the link button: “sklep” (eng. shop) does not show anything, it was a list of all products before – I am tired today.

    Thread Starter Infinitywaves


    Hello again,

    I see that: Virtue 3.0.0. up to: 3.0.1. Ok, but where is the list of changes published?


    ps. fix “shop” – to close.

    The changes are in the readme.txt file or : https://docs.kadencethemes.com/virtue-free/free-changelog/

    Is there anything remaining that you are having issues with? I see the shop menu working.

    Kadence Themes

    Thread Starter Infinitywaves


    Hello again,

    1. thank you for the information.

    2. I’m still working on restoring web content, I’ve got about 95%. Yes, I solved this problem faster than you wrote.

    3. I have a question that I have not been able to solve:
    I would like to use a simple parallax effect in the background, eg: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/adamrob-parallax-scroll/ it’s just to the width of the layout and I would like to use that for the whole width of the browser window (regardless of the layout of the page) How to add correct?

    4. By the way, can you add to the theme options / “advanced style?” The option to change the color of the letters in the top drop-down menu, nowadays I need to improve it manually every time a template is dropped from the color: # 555 on: #fff

    5. There is also no option to change the slider arrows, and this is also replaced after every update.

    6. You probably noticed that I stopped the topbar (so it is visible all the time) – this could also be an option to set. Ideally, the topbar would scale after the movement of the content – but I would not do it without interfering with the code.


    Thread Starter Infinitywaves


    ps. ad.6 “scale after the movement” demo: https://www.kriesi.at/themedemo/?theme=enfold-overview

    Thread Starter Infinitywaves


    Currently working today on restoring the topbar login/registration on the left, for some reason https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/woocommerce-login-and-registration/ Has lost compatibility and does not show up anymore.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Infinitywaves.
    Thread Starter Infinitywaves


    Hm, I cl!ck on the link and read:

    = Version 3.0.1 | 19th June 2017 =
    * Update: Schema.
    * Update: Small css update

    Oook…hm, but nothing comes out, there should be precise information on which could check custome css or something will stop working, now i have web copy as a “training ground” – just to dig it and check everything every time. This is not a quick method.




    3. You can create this using the page builder by site origin plugin. Create a row and set the row layout to full width stretched. Then set a background image and you can set the background image layout to parallax.
    See here: https://www.kadencethemes.com/using-page-builder/

    4. You should be able to change the menu item dropdown color with this css:

    .sf-menu a.sf-with-ul {
        color: #555 !important;

    Is that what you mean?

    5. How are you currently changing them? If you are making changes to the theme files you need to use a child theme. See here: https://www.kadencethemes.com/child-themes/

    Please start a new thread with new questions (and then only one question per thread) as it is getting very difficult to follow.


    A note, slider arrows are controlled by css. You should not be changing any files to adjust them. Use your own css and if you would like to use an image point to your own image. You shouldn’t every edit theme files. There is very very rarely a need to edit theme files to make the changes you want because you can use filters, hooks, and css.

    Thread Starter Infinitywaves


    Hello again,

    Yes it is true but after your update always have to repeat it, it would be better if these options appeared in theme options. As far as the slider arrows are concerned, the product gallery editing (fullscreen) has a dramatic, antediluvian design and I only got to where the java file is – now… I do not know yet how to change it.

    ps. Currently he is working on a similar interface in Allegro (Polish equivalent of ebay), tries to quickly grasp the most important topics and then roll back to the details. Thank you for your help.


    That’s incorrect. Custom CSS saved in Theme Options> Advanced Settings will always be retained when the theme is updated. None of the Theme Options will ever change when you update the theme.

    What are you wanting to change about the slider arrows? I can help you with CSS if you give some details.


    Thread Starter Infinitywaves


    You probably do not understand me (I am writing to you with the help of a translator. So will try to explain again)

    1. topslider on home – here I am replacing graphics in your template catheter. I would not do this after every update of your template.

    2. when I am in the store/product, I cl!ck on the picture, it magnifies photo the fullscreen, there is a black-and-white interface it was changed to look identical to the home slider (colored arrows, etc.)




    Sorry, I’m unsure what you’re asking. Can you please start a new thread and provide links to go along with your questions?


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