• Resolved Reuben Mansell


    Hi There,

    Just installed and set this up, its looking great so far, like the plugin.

    I need to create 2 distinct areas.
    1. A Client Area – which i have pretty much worked out how to do
    2. A Staff Area- this will have links to timesheet forms etc so needs to be different to the client area

    My question is, what’s the best way to have 2 areas? So when i create a new user, i would need to specify whether they were ‘staff’ or ‘client’, then when they log in they would either be directed to a staff page or a client page.

    What’s the best way to do this? Is it possible?




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  • Plugin Contributor Vincent Mimoun-Prat



    you can only have a single area. However, the content that is presented to the user is personnalized.

    We have an add-on which allows to publish content towards user roles or user groups if that can be used (could publish the staff pages towards that particular roles)

    Another add-on allows to privatize post types coming from external add-ons. Together with the shortcodes provided in the base plugin, you could also get some possibilities with that.


    Thread Starter Reuben Mansell


    Hi Vincent,

    So with the additional owner types plugin, which i think you’re referring to, can you get content to display on the main customer area home page by default, or would this only be via the staff landing on the customer area home page then needing to click through to a page in that area?

    If the content could display on the home page if it exists for that user type, that could work.

    If they need to click through to another page, that might not be idea.

    Let me know – thanks for your support so far – really appreciate it.


    Thread Starter Reuben Mansell


    *ideal (not idea!)

    Plugin Contributor Vincent Mimoun-Prat


    Yes, all content published towards the role “staff” would automatically be visible to all users with that role.

    By default, that content is shown exactly in the same way as the other content assigned to users for example.

    However, by using the templates and some hooks, you can output pretty much whatever you want on the dashboard. Have a look at the documentation on the main website as well as the code snippets. If anything, do not hesitate to post a topic on the forum over there, as we watch it more closely than the forum here.

    je vous ecris afin de savoir s’il est possible d’afficher une page privée pour un groupe d’utilisateurs et une autre page pour un autre groupe d’utilisateurs avec l’aide de votre plugin? merci par avance de votre réponse au plaisir de vous lire.

    I write to you whether it is possible to view a private page for a group of users and one page to another group of users with the help of your plugin? thank you in advance for your response to hearing from you

    Excuse me for my english.

    Plugin Contributor Vincent Mimoun-Prat


    Yes this is possible. To ask questions in French you can use the forum on the official plugin website.


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