• Hi,
    In the site we are creating, people are encouraged to sign up to the site right away.

    After signed up, then if they put an item in the cart and go to checkout, the name and address fields are empty and they have to sign up and make another account (I assume just for woocommerce) in order to purchase.

    Why would there have to be two accounts created? If this is required, isn’t there a way to at least transfer the original signup data to the checkout sign up form? This makes a bad “user experience”.



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  • hmm… if the user exists and is logged in, then the fields should populate on the checkout page.

    (The number of fields filled in depend on the info registered already. Looking at the snippet not all fields are called, so some might still be empty, especially if there are custom fields; they’ll need to be added to the code.)

    If they are a guest or not logged in, then the checkout fields should be empty.

    Maybe the problem you are having is how people are originally signing up. (?) I’m too new to this to really understand the second part of your question. (?) Maybe could depend on your theme and how the (new visitor) account page is set up and subsequently linked to WP/Woo.

    I’m now dealing with trying to add a “newsletter subscription form” and have that originate an account or link to someone already registered. (Think I’ve downloaded a hundred+ plugins already. Will have to do major cleanup before going live; there’s sure to be junk left over from them.)

    Edit: Sorry, forgot to include, yes, using WP 4.0.

    * * * *

    Thread Starter scottl31


    So I tried an experiment with a fresh WP install with only WC installed.

    I found that the built in WP user sign up does not collect address, city or zip code. Only name and email.

    But the only thing transferred to the checkout is the email, with or without your code.

    So now my question is: which plugin are you using that collects the user data that gets handed off to W with the code you provided?

    Hmmm…. the test I did was simple and not comprehensive, didn’t notice the other fields were being left out.

    Consider though. . . (your theme and requirements may be different):
    A visitor to the site encounters the login going to the My Account page with the only input fields being a name and email as you noted. It is when checking out that more info is needed. Then ever after when they login next, all their info is (should be) conveyed throughout.

    For now I only needed the email to convey to the checkout field for a new visitor.

    If custom fields (for more info) are added to the (initial) My Account page, then the info* might be there to capture. *(custom fields would have to match the snippet code names.)

    Will do some more tests with this later, am now dealing with Woo purchase order emails not getting sent properly. *sigh*

    * * * *

    A thought, are your customers checking out as a “guest” and NOT making an account (with password)?

    Is the “Enable guest checkout” set or not? (Woo/Settings/Checkout/)

    Maybe enable these buttons as well to get customers to make an account:

    Enable Registration:
    ? Enable registration on the “Checkout” page
    ??Enable registration on the “My Account” page
    ??Display returning customer login reminder on the “Checkout” page

    Otherwise returning customers without an account will have to redo their info again.

    * * * *

    Thread Starter scottl31


    No, no guest checkout. We want to encourage people to sign up on the site before even buying. We have content for people who may never want to buy anything. So if they sign up and buy something later, it would be great if they didn’t have to sign up “again”.

    The problem also is that we have two account pages, one for the initial sign ups, and one for WC. Sigh, I can’t believe there is no easy solution for this.

    Sounds like a membership account is what you’ll need then. Like I said above, make sure it integrates the collected info with Woo.

    * * * *

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