• I consider myself fairly experienced with customizing and tweaking PERL forum scripts, but admittedly this is my first attempt at customizing anything PHP. I thinking about running (not walking) back to PERL. I have looked into PHP forums previously, but their customization also seemed way too limited over the pretty much menu driven customization of CGI/PERL forums.
    After several days of trying to just modify other custom templates and styles (gave up on creating my own from scratch after hour one!), I have to say that this is just way too difficult for anyone who does not have significant coding experience specifically with WordPress. Am I missing something or is there just no documentation for this that is organized in a single place rather than spread out throughout a forum of thousands of messages? Does someone wanting to customize WordPress really have to get into PHP so much? Has anyone created something menu driven or WYSIWYG? It just seems like it doesn’t need to be this difficult — the PERL stuff I’ve been using for years is far more simple and easier to customize (even from day one with my experiences with PERL scripts). I was able to just dive right into PERL scripts, quickly and easily figuring out customizations, tweaking, formats, etc.
    I realize I probably sound like a frustrated and pathetic newbie, but there’s got to be a better way to allow for customization other than 20 hours of college level instruction on PHP and CSS. Is this the way all PHP stuff is? I have not really found any significant advantages of using PHP over CGI/PERL. Is there enough of an advantage or benefit with PHP that I should stick this out and see if I’m eventually hit with a dawn of realization (after a couple of weeks or so of banging my head agains the wall)?
    Thanks for any input/feedback. Sorry to sound so frustrated, but I believe I’m mainly disappointed. So many people seem to be going with PHP over CGI/PERL these days, but after this mostly first experience, I really don’t know why.

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  • Styling the post font:
    p, li, .feedback {
    font: 90%/175% ‘Lucida Grande’, ‘Lucida Sans Unicode’, Verdana, sans-serif;
    letter-spacing: -1px;
    .storycontent {
    font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;
    color: #000;
    .post {
    font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;
    color: #000;
    These two should help:
    # https://wiki.www.ads-software.com/AnnotatedCss
    # https://www.tamba2.org.uk/wordpress/graphicalcss

    Thread Starter internetpilot


    Well, I figured out that a lot of my problems were because I was trying to customize…well…truthfully, a badly written style. So, I gave up on that one, even though I liked it for it’s basic layout, color choices, etc., and moved on to a style that actually placed in the style competition. I’m now using a modified version of the Rubric style by Hadley Wickham, which one 2nd place in Alex King’s style contest. MUCH, MUCH easier to to figure things out, as this style is much better written than the others I’ve been trying to use. I guess it had to be a cleaner format because of being submitted to the contest, or maybe Hadley is just a better coder. Anyway, piece of cake now, and I definitely started figuring things out in leaps and bounds, to the point that I can almost comprehend the badly written style that I was trying to use previously. I’m actually having fun tweaking things instead of telling my computer monitor that it’s “number one” with the wrong finger! And having fun is always a nice thing in the end, right? ??
    Thanks again for all the tips, suggestions, etc. !

    Pleased it’s all working out ??

    I must admit I spent about 12 hours working out how all the coding of WordPress works yesterday, and I’ve only covered a fraction, I have, however, changed quite a bit…

    Well if I could do the empathy thing for a moment. Any type of transition to web standards design with fully separated CSS and valid xhtml is frankly going to take a while. As it did for all of us. Throw in a new application, some php and perhaps a certain mindset from previous disciplines and it has to be said it can seem overwhelming. Mentally – the trick is the keep php, html and CSS firmly separated, then to take one thing at a time. But the beauty of WordPress is that it has very little you need to learn which is application specific. Php, xhtml, and CSS are what they are any way. WP does not add to that difficulty but it harnesses the power of all three. But Rome was not built in a day my friend ??

    I must admit that I am beginning to sympathise with Internetpilot quite a bit, since I am also finding it quite difficult to understand some of the things going on in WP.
    I am kind of OK with the CSS bit, but for instance I would like to remove the long cumbersome list of archive months on the home page of the standard WP format and list them all on a separate Archives page (to keep the home page cleaner!). But when I cut and paste the archives code into a new html page it’s blank. Very frustrating. ??

    ” But when I cut and paste the archives code into a new html page it’s blank. Very frustrating. :-)”
    Look at the top of index.php. There are some lines of php – include them in your new PHP page, and make sure the path to wp-blog-header is correct, then it’ll all work lovely ??

    Podz, thanks very much, that’s great. But….er…sorry to be dim, how do I make sure the path to wp-blog-header is correct? ??

    Sorry I’d better stop being rude and log in.

    OK, well I’ve got this in the archives.html but it’s still a blank page (rather like my brain perhaps?)
    /* Don’t remove these lines. */
    $blog = 1;
    //Uncomment the next line if you want to track blog updates from weblogs.com
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN”>
    <meta name=”generator” content=””>
    <p class=”body1″><?php get_archives(‘monthly’, ”, ”, ”, ‘
    ‘); ?>

    That looks like a 1.0.1 or 1.0.2 wp install …
    but either way, this is the line:
    Get that file, and wp will work.
    BUT, not on a page with .html as the extension. Call the page ‘archives.php’ instead. It will still look like a normal page, and behave like you want ??
    Where is this new page in relation to your blog directory ?

    It’s a WP 1.2 default installation from my web host.
    But got it now, thanks very much for your help. I changed the name to archives.php and it worked fine. Thanks very much. I am still not sure about the php files thing. Do all pages have to be called php then?
    Now if I can trouble you just two more times sir, I will be able to live like a king. ??
    1) Is there any way to easily change the format of the display of archive dates to columns and specify, say, 3 columns? No problem if not, I’ll just leave the format as it is.
    2) I am playing with WP on a spare host I have, but intend to install and test on my live blog in a sub-directory until I’m sure that it all works OK, then transfer it to the root to replace my existing system. I have seen the FAQ for moving from root to a sub-directory, what do I have to do to move it from a sub-directory (eg wp) to the root of the host?
    Thanks very much.

    1 – Yes, just call / use some css in the new page. Call it in a similar manner to index.php
    2 – You mean copy everything to root ? If so, just move all the files, then use phpmyadmin to change the values of ‘site_url’ and ‘home’ in the table ‘wp-options’.
    This can also be done just by using the admin screens, but to be honest I’m not entirely sure how.

    Anonymous User 6434


    Don’t know if this will help, but this is how I got started with WP:
    WordPress Customization
    More or less, I took a great template, a lot of plugins, and some of my own artwork. From there, you can modify the template in PHP, add CSS, change CSS, etc.

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