• Resolved ripisdead


    i wanted to customize the sidebar in admin area to the left it is called adminmenu is css
    by customizing i mean just to change the color ( tho i get a bit carried away and went to other places to change them too like active and inactive plugins background and the p part of all of the site but its not the matter now i just wanna know what did i do wrong that this adminmenu doesnt even work at all costs that i tried and think of)
    so i wrote a new css file so it would conclude all the changes

    background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #a41aa1 , #8408b0);
    background-image: linear-gradient(to left, rgb(140, 0, 255), rgb(255, 0, 64)) !important;
    -webkit-background-clip: text !important;
    color: transparent !important;
    background-color: black !important;
    .inactive {
    background-color: rgb(51, 255, 0) !important;
    .active {
    background-color: rgb(214, 255, 30) !important;
    background-image: linear-gradient(to left, rgb(173, 0, 251), rgb(253, 24, 0)) !important;

    so yea and i import it to all wp-admin and its variants
    it didnt work then i tried changing the adminmenu parts (all of the variants too)
    so whereever i find a

    background-color: black

    i would change it to

    background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #a41aa1 , #8408b0);

    and again it didnt work
    so yea im confused and got no idea why it didnt worked too
    if u have anyidea please do tell

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • How did you import the CSS code? At which point?

    Thread Starter ripisdead


    i have a local host and in the middle of testing wp stuff i realised why not customized it
    so i went to the wp-admin => css then add a css file and import it to all admin variants but nothing happened so i went to the adminmenu and changed from there and it didnt work either
    and i closed the localhost and opened it again (laragon is my localhost)

    In the WordPress standard, there is no CSS menu item in wp-admin. So unfortunately I don’t know which one you are using there. It should come from a plugin you are using.

    Technically, you would have to integrate admin styles via https://developer.www.ads-software.com/reference/hooks/admin_enqueue_scripts/. You would have to store this in a file of your plugin or in the functions.php of your child theme.

    Thread Starter ripisdead


    you can even find it in pannels of filemanagment
    then wp-admin
    then css (file)
    https://postimg.cc/9rG6KG74 if the upper one didnt work its a pic

    These are files that belong to the WordPress core. Never change files in the WordPress core. They would be overwritten with the next update, and you would no longer be able to receive support because it is unclear what state your website is in.

    If you want to insert CSS in the backend, you can proceed as above with individual PHP code, which you would have to insert in the functions.php of your child theme, an individual plugin or via a code snippet plugin.

    An alternative to using admin_enqueue_script would be admin_head. Example:

    add_action('admin_head', 'wpcode_admin_css');
    function wpcode_admin_css() {
    return "<style>/* add your CSS-code here */</style>";
    Thread Starter ripisdead


    tnx a ton man for ur help i really appreciate it

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