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  • Hi,

    Please open wp-content\plugins\contus-video-gallery\front\views\videohome.php and find the below code

    .video-block {margin-left:

    and replace with the following code.

    .video-block {padding-left:

    Please note that you can find the above code in two places in the same file.

    If you have any other queries feel free to contact us.

    Thread Starter hoa.buiduy


    I fixed it
    Thank you so much, karthikeyani.

    Thread Starter hoa.buiduy


    Ah, I have a question.
    How can I make a page show only : Feature videos or Popular videos or some things like that.

    Thank u before ??


    Please got WP admin -> Video Gallery -> Settings -> Enable “Feature videos or Popular videos” and disable other videos under “Videos Page Settings” and check.

    If you have any other queries feel free to contact us.

    Thread Starter hoa.buiduy


    Hi Karthikeyani,
    How can I make 3 pages :
    page 1: show Feature videos
    pags 2: show Popular videos
    page 3: show Latest videos

    Please let me know a way to do that.


    Hi Karthikeyani,

    how can I change the player width only in homepage? My home is divided into two column and shows recent posts, which have a video embedded, but in homepage the video width exceeds the column width!

    Thank you!

    Hi hoa.buiduy,

    To show Featured, Popular, Recent videos in home page, please go to WP admin -> Video Gallery -> Settings -> Enable “Feature videos” , “Popular videos” and “Recent Videos” under “Videos Page Settings” and check.

    Hi b_angel,

    To adjust the player width in home page alone, please open \wp-content\plugins\contus-video-gallery\front\views\videohome.php and find ” ## Flash player code”. Here you can fond the below code.

    $div .= '<embed id="player" src="' . $swf . '" flashvars="baserefW=' . APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL . $baseref . $showplaylist . '&mtype=' . $moduleName . '" width="' . $settingsData->width . '" height="' . $settingsData->height . '" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" />';

    in the above code, find width="' . $settingsData->width . '" and replace with width="300px".

    300px : Is your player width. You can adjust with your own value. If you have any other queries feel free to contact us.

    Hi karthikeyani,
    thank you for the quick answer, but it doesn’t resolve my problem.
    I did what you have written and it changes the video width in video homepage, but in my blog there are one homepage (or frontpage) that shows latest posts, and a page called “videos” that shows all videos I uploaded. I need to change the size of video player in front page, where there are the latest posts published.
    Can you help me?


    Please share your site link and let me know the shortcode which you are using in blog home page. So that I can check and assist you accordingly. If you are using shortcode other than ‘[videmohome]’ then you need to adjust the player width and height in the following file. \wp-content\plugins\contus-video-gallery\front\views\videoshortcode.php and find ” ## Flash player code”. Here you can fond the below code.

    $output .= '<embed src="' . $this->_swfPath . '" flashvars="' . $flashvars . '" width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent">';

    in the above code, find width=”‘ . $width . ‘” and replace with width=”300px”.

    300px : Is your player width. You can adjust with your own value.

    If you want to change the player width for all the pages, you can control in Admin -> Video Gallery -> Settings -> Display Configuration -> Here you can control the “Player Width”

    If you have any other queries feel free to contact us.

    Thread Starter hoa.buiduy


    Thank for your supports (y)

    I used tag <! more > to get an excerpt of every post in homepage, so the video will be not visibile.
    However, after the plugin update the video size has been reduced automatically!

    Thank you for your help!



    Salve.. volevo sapere è possibile non far partire il video ogni volta che mi connetto nella home con video gallery
    .. Grazie anticipatamente!

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